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Re: Food challenge tomorrow...
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2012, 18:38:03 pm »
I'm sorry it didn't go well - how is he now?  I'm sure it was scary for both of you to have him go through it.  Whenever a challenge doesn't go well for us I always remind myself that we know how to cope with the allergies and even though it's terrible... at least we know what to feed him and how to keep him safe and all you can do is keep doing that.
hugs to you both!

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Re: Food challenge tomorrow...
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2012, 18:42:39 pm »
Oh no...hope Dylan is feeling okay and that there is no other rxn! (((Hugs)))

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Re: Food challenge tomorrow... *failed*
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2012, 23:12:12 pm »
Thanks everyone :-* He's doing are well now, though a bit challenging behaviourally with no nap :P Aside from that though, he's been fine. A bit stuffed up and a slight cough, but he's been fighting a cold for a week so likely not related (or at least not completely). Because he couldn't nap we met my girlfriend and her 10mo at the zoo and walked around looking at the animals, and now we're about to do an early bedtime (usually he doesn't go down for an hour or so).

Is it any kind of improvement from his last reaction?
Not really... His initial reaction at 6mo was hives, and then around 2yo he ate some pepperoni at daycare that was 'may contain traces' and vomited like crazy for a couple hours (but we didn't know if it was the pepperoni or a stomach bug at the time, yk?) Now we have no hives, but breathing involvement and vomiting. And all with a negative immunocap! :(

When will they do it again now? How does it work? Is it every year?
We actually have an appointment in 3mo to redo skin tests and *possibly* try baked milk - like me making a known safe cookie recipe and using cows milk in it. I don't know if I want to do that (it's really for my convenience if that makes any sense, if he can eat may contain or cooked milk)... It seems a lot to put him through so I can buy processed crap without reading the ingredients as closely :-\
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
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Re: Food challenge tomorrow... *failed*
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2012, 00:21:49 am »
What is a negative immunocap?

I hope he's feeling better now. And I totally get you. If we narrow E's issues down to possible celiac then why go through a scope just to know if we can adjust our lives?

More hugs though. I'm sure these challenges aren't easy on any of you.
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: Food challenge tomorrow... *failed*
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2012, 02:17:35 am »
What is a negative immunocap?
That's the blood test - any result over 0.35 is considered an allergy. On Dylan's first test he got 0.8, then his last one was <0.35 (they don't quantify it if it's under) so that's why we decided to do the challenge. But as Dylan demonstrated, you can have a negative immunocap and still have a clinically significant allergy :(

And you are so right, it seems like so much to put their little bodies through for minimal gain.
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
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Re: Food challenge tomorrow... *failed*
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2012, 07:15:58 am »
vikki!  So sorry that the reaction from so little was so much!  Is Dylan allergic to many things?  It must be so hard!  He will need to learn to read these labels very soon! 

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Re: Food challenge tomorrow... *failed*
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2012, 07:23:12 am »
Aw, Vikki what a disappointment :( 

Offline Erin M

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Re: Food challenge tomorrow... *failed*
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2012, 20:44:22 pm »
Oh boo, sorry it didn't go better.  :(

Offline Jimbob

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Re: Food challenge tomorrow... *failed*
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2012, 09:43:27 am »
So sorry it was a fail! At least you know now though. My ds has just passed a baked egg challenge but had a reaction when a piece of hard boiled egg was tried so it is possible that Dylan could be ok with baked milk but don't be pushed into trying it wait until you feel ready.

Kelly x

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Re: Food challenge tomorrow... *failed*
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2012, 22:54:21 pm »
Kellly, that's exactly what our allergist said - that he could easily react to straight milk but be fine with baked or traces.

Is Dylan allergic to many things?
For food he's allergic to dairy, egg, peanuts, tree nuts (due to cross reactivity with the peanut protein he's allergic to), and mustard. Environmentally he seems to have hay-fever like symptoms lately (especially drippy nose and resulting cough) and is allergic to animal Xander and saliva (dogs are the worst, but he's reacted to cats and guinea pig too). We're fortunate that he's okay with gluten and soy so things could definitely be more limited than they are!
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
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Re: Food challenge tomorrow... *failed*
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2012, 18:39:15 pm »
SO many hugs Vikki! I'm trying dairy again at 3 (so in another 6 weeks or so) and I'm terrified! Though our reaction wasn't as violent as yours (ours was blowout diapers, congestion, stomach cramps and mood swings). Negative immunocap and SPT as well, but positive IgG intolerance (strongly so) to whey when tested at about 20 months.

We will try first with regular butter, then move to milk cooked in pancakes or the like, then regular yogurt...
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01