Hi!! DS is 2. He has been an early waker for ages. He was always an early riser and at about 20 months of age he started to wake up earlier and earlier. We thought about possible ut/ot, changed his routine a bit and still he'd wake up early. So I started to nurse him back to sleep. Tsk tsk I know. A few weeks ago we decided enough of nursing back to sleep as he was sometimes waking at 1 or 2am wanting to nurse. Heck no!
So DH started to go in to put DS back to sleep. For the first week he'd cry out for me and then he realized I wasn't coming, only DH was coming so he started to allow DH to rub his back during NWs. He'd normally sleep until 6:30 during these NW nights.
Since this weekend, he has been STTN which is awesome but he has also been waking at 5/5:30am! WAY too early. He'd have a 2hr nap (I'd wake him so that BT wasn't at 9) from 12-2 and BT at 8.
I want to extend his nights!!! This morning I was so tired that I just nursed him and he went back to sleep until I woke him at 7:30!!!!! Nap was at 1 and I'll get him up at 2:15 so he is in bed at 8...
What can I do? In the past we have tried wi/wo, rubbing his back, we've tried short naps for a few days, long naps...not sure what to do!