Author Topic: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop  (Read 1567 times)

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Offline Sisselotte

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2 months ago we did wi/wo with great succes. After only 2 days our son got the message and slept through from 7pm till 7am only waking up once around 11pm to get some water from his sippy cup. This lasted a couple of weeks and stopped when we started packing our apartment into boxes as we had to move. He off course detected that something was going on and at the same time he caught a cold that hung on for 4 weeks.

Then we moved to the countryside to live in a big old house. This is new to all of us as we used to live in a 2 room apartment in the capitol of Denmark, Europe. Also my son had to leave daycare and it will probably be a couple of months before he starts in a new daycare. Of course this is all big changes for a 2-year old.

So his sleeping has been affected by this a lot. From the time we started packing the old apartment into boxes till now. It has now been 5 weeks. As i told you before he also caught the cold bad for 4 weeks up until one week ago. He has had nights where he woke up crying every hour, just like when he was 0-9 months old (he never has been a great sleeper  ;) ). But now finally he is only waking up 1-3 times a night.

My son has always been sleeping in our bedroom (because we only had one bedroom in the apartment we just left) and we decided from day one in the new house that he would not go sleeping in his new room right away as that would probably be to much on top of the moving and stopping daycare.

1-3 night wakings we can live with for a while and I'm just writing about all this to explain what I think started all this. The problem now is his sippy cup. We gave it to him about 6 months ago and after a while he learned to drink from it when he woke up thirsty during the night without having to wake us. But now he wants his father or me to be there, whenever he gets thirsty and needs to drink from his sippy cup - at bedtime and during the night. At bedtime as soon as I (or my husband) leave the bedroom he starts chanting his word for thirsty over and over and over again. It really sounds like a mantra and we try not to go in there and disturb him as we hope he will go to sleep chanting his mantra. But he can go on for over an hour and eventually we get too annoyed and also feel sorry for him so one of us goes to the bedroom and almost always find him sitting in the bed right next to his sippy cup just waiting for us to enter. Then he takes one quick sip of water puts the cup back and lies down looking very tired and satisfied. I put the covers over him, tell him that I love him and it's sleepy time (just as I tell him when doing wi/wo) and leave the room. But the second I leave the room he starts chanting again. Every once in a while he also tries chanting his word for food; slippers; mom; dad or even granny but always returns to thirsty... It usually takes him 1 - 1 1/2 hours to go to sleep so he ends up sleeping around 8.30pm instead of 7pm.

I have tried leaving the bedroom as soon as I se him sitting there reaching for his sippy cup as I enter. He then gets really unhappy cries and puts the cup back without drinking or just sits there with it in his hands. He will only drink and then lie down if I stay the whole time...

So now I'm thinking the sippy cup has become a prop and maybe we need to ween him from it? I'm thinking this as he only takes a very small sip of water and it seems to me that it's more about a need for attention than thirst. But then again when he wakes up during the night he really seems to be thirsty and drinks a lot. So if we take away the cup at bedtime how do we handle the night time thirst?  ???

I'm sorry this has become so long as I've just been writing my thougths down as they came to me. Having tried sleeping all night for two whole weeks following our wi/wo success I'm longing to get back to that again. So I'm really hoping you can make sense of my scriblings and help me  ;D

Offline *Becky*

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Re: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2012, 18:39:37 pm »
Hi there,
Ok first of all what is your routine? What time does he nap?
It could be that OT or UT is not helping.

It does seem that the cup has become an issue. Does he have a lovey at all?
If it has become a problem it probably means it needs to go. If he has a good drink before bedtime and it is not too hot where you are he should not really need to have it. It may have become more of a comfort to him which is why I wonder if he has a lovey that could replace it.

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Offline Sisselotte

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Re: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2012, 18:54:26 pm »
Hi there Becky

Thankyou for your quick reply to my letter and sorry I haven't answered till now. It's been a busy weekend and I haven't been home a lot.

Yes my son has a lovey, but he is much more attached to his teddies, Vovvov and Miav. So they are all in bed with him and when he starts wanting the cup and we don't give it to him he then after a while starts calling for dad; vovvov; miav; food or whatever instead. So that tells me that the cup has indeed become a prop.

My son gets up at 7am and naps for 1 - 1 1/2 hour from 12am and his bedtime is at 7 - 7.30pm depending on the length of his nap. We started shortening the nap about two months ago when he had the good period following our succesful wi/wo. It seemed to work then but now I'm not sure if maybe we should let him sleep for a bit longer. We actually have to wake him from his nap and he is absolutely ready to sleep longer every time...

Anyway last night he woke up around midnight and I did the wi/wo (which is impossible when we sleep in the same bedroom, but I simply get out of bed and into bed each time instead of in and out of the room - I guess not being visible is the important thing here) for about 20 minutes and he then fell into a deep sleep. He woke up again at 4am and immediately sat up saying his word for thirsty and I put him back down, told him I love him, it's sleepy time and goodnight. I then got back into bed myself, counted to 15 and went back and padded his head gently telling him the same thing again and he went back to sleep till 7am. I think that went really well. Bedtime last night was pretty easy my husband told me, I wasn't home.

Tonight we just spent 45 minutes getting him to sleep and I eventually removed the cup. After that it took about 10 minutes for him to sleep. So his dad and I just decided to follow your advice and remove the cup permanently.

Do you think OT or UT also could play a role here?

Offline *Becky*

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Re: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 13:39:38 pm »
How has it been going?
I am wondering about UT a little as his day is quite short with a 1.5 hour nap...

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Offline Sisselotte

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Re: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2012, 18:50:31 pm »
Well as I told you it took 45 minutes for im to fall asleep last night. He then woke up around 9pm and we had a big drama lasting almost 1 hour. Finally I gave in and gave him the sippy cup... I couldn't bear his crying... and he drank quite a lot... I didn't leave the cup in his bed though. He woke again at midnight and once more he cried for an hour. This time he didn't get any water and finally he did go to sleep and didn't wake up untill 5.20am where he woke up very shortly and only needed his covers put over him...

Maybe you're right that UT could be the case, but mostly we wake him from his nap after one hour? Does that really make his day too short? He's up for 5 hours in the morning and then after the nap he's up for 6 hours. Do you think maybe he is getting ready to skip the nap completely? I'm so confused...

Anyway yesterday his father let him sleep for 1 1/2 hour and today 1 hour 45 minutes :( Because of that I tried putting my son to bed a little later tonight (at 8.15 pm). It only took him 10 minutes going to sleep. I know changing his routines like this is not good, but I was afraid he was going to cry the whole night. So now I'll just wait and see what happens.

Offline Kay Dee

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Re: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2012, 12:19:48 pm »
Can you leave the cup in with him? DS has had a cup of water in his bed for a good while now.

When will you move him into his own room? I'm thinking you might as well just go for it, he may surprise you and sleep better!

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Offline *Becky*

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Re: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2012, 19:41:17 pm »
Because of that I tried putting my son to bed a little later tonight (at 8.15 pm). It only took him 10 minutes going to sleep.
well that sounds better. How did the rest of the night go?

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Offline Sisselotte

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Re: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2012, 22:06:44 pm »
Hi again Becky

Well he woke up 4 times but very quickly went back to sleep without wanting water :) So in a way last night was better and in a way just as bad as I was up 4 times. But I'm choosing the positive side and hope everything goes even better tonight.

Do you think he might be getting ready to skip his nap completely? Or will 1 hour be enough for a while? Or less?

Offline Sisselotte

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Re: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2012, 22:08:36 pm »
Hi Kay

We have been leaving the cup with him but as I wrote above it has become a prop and needs to go... We have also been talking about moving him to his own room soon. The only problem is we're going to have some work done on the windowframe in his room and we don't want to move him in there and then move him out again when the workman decides to come by... But I definitely think you're right that he might surprise us and sleep much better :)

Offline *Becky*

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Re: 2-year old sleeping bad after moving & sippy cup has become a prop
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2012, 08:46:26 am »
He 'could' be starting the 1-0 but I would be surprised if he was ready to stop it completely at this age tbh. If it were me I would cap it to something like 45 mins or 1 hour and see.

I think you are doing really well with the cup - try and not give it back now, you know he is fine without it.

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!