Hi everyone i would really appreciate your thoughts and advice on the following: my 10 week old dd has been bottle fed since birth. she started off on cow and gate stage one formula until she was 2 weeks old and we discovered she has silent reflux. she is now only a perscribed prethickened formula used to manage reflux. dd was 7lb 8oz when she was born and now weighs just over 14lbs. needless to say she is above average for her weight and lenght at this stage. she is generally a content baby and sleeps from approx 9pm until 6/7am, wakening at least once during the night for a feed anytime between 2am and 430am. during the day she feeds every two hours, taking between 4 and 5oz at a time. is this too frequent or should i not fix what isnt broken given her content nature? when she wakens for her feed at night she takes approx 5 to 6oz which suggests to me that she is hungry. ideally it would be great if she slept thru given she drinks so much during the day. any ideas/advice would be appreciated.