Wow, I can actually post about both of my kids on the toddler board now. Crazy!!

This problem has been going on for a while now and I keep thinking I'm going to fix it but it's still going and it's starting to drive me nuts! Austin has been waking earlier and earlier, which I know is OT. His behavior has also been miserably OT lately. He's crying about absolutely everything. Exhausting. His teacher said when DH picked up just now that Austin wasn't himself today. Not surprising to me at all since we've been seeing that increasingly in the last few days.
Here's his general routine:
6ish: A
12:30ish: S
45 min nap
7ish: in his room
8ish: S
1-2 times per week he either refuses his nap or for some reason we have to skip it. He usually does ok with it but then the next day he's a disaster. We usually let him sleep 1-1.5h the day after a no-nap day. That doesn't seem to be enough to help him catch up, though. The OT seems to be building.
Here are the last 2 days:
6:10: A
12:40: in his room, total monkey, absolutely would not sleep
1:15: got him out
6: in his room, total monkey
7:15: finally asleep
6: A
12:45: S
2: A (on his own)
7: in his room
7:55: S
6: A
So here's the other trouble, besides the fact that he's so OT. When he wakes up in the morning we've tried keeping his door closed but then he grabs the handle and bangs and Grace wakes up. If we leave his door open then he comes out, slams his door, and runs down the hall to our room. Then Grace wakes up. She sometimes can go back to sleep but she would probably sleep until close to 7 if he didn't wake her up. This is SO frustrating to me! I certainly don't like being woken up at 6 (esp when I've gotten in bed at 3:30 from work!

) but it really bothers me that he's waking her up since then it screws up her whole routine for the day. I really thought when we moved to a bigger house that we wouldn't have this issue!! Grr. So I have white noise going in her room - last night I turned it up really loud to see if that would help. I dont know if she's just a really light sleeper or what.
Any thoughts on routine tweaking for the boy or how to keep the girl asleep in the mornings? TIA!!