Author Topic: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.  (Read 2396 times)

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Offline essexlemon

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How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« on: April 28, 2012, 19:02:10 pm »
DS2 is 7 and a half months.  He's not on all that much in the way of solids as we've had some constipation issues.

Anyway, I tried introducing broccoli a while ago but he had a horrendous night following that and I was unsure whether it was the broccoli or teething (as he is permanently teething, and not too good at it  ::) ) or an excess of sugar in my milk as it was over Easter and I overindulged.  I didn't offer it again for a bit thinking that maybe it was just a bit too much of a windy vegetable for now.

I tried him on some broccoli and carrot yesterday and we had a horrendous night.  I thought due to teething as there is a tiny corner of tooth that looks like it wants to come through but I gave him a smaller amount lunchtime today and he screamed the place down for a few hours this afternoon and no amount of teething gel was helping (paracetamol and ibuprofen do nothing for him generally but dentinox gel usually gives him a bit of temporary relief).

So I'm thinking maybe it is an intollerance.  He hasn't had any skin breakouts and he didn't seem to be affected at all while he was eating it.

Anyone know how likely it is to have a broccoli intollerance.  Isn't that something that 10 year olds invent to get out of eating their greens.  Also, how long after eating would you expect it to still be affecting them?  He ate a pretty small amount today around 12 and is still unsettled at nearly 8pm - could that still fit?

Needless to say I won't be offering it again for quite a while - if I offer it after a couple of months am I courting a full on allergy?

Thanks for any advice.
My husband is running 13.1 miles in the Great North Run in memory of my brother. Please can you help us raise funds for the Cardiomyopathy Association in his memory?

Offline londonlady

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Re: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2012, 19:21:06 pm »
We had the same thing when I first started weaning Sofia. She chowed down on a tonne of broccoli at dinner time and we had repeated NWs that night. Tried it again and the same happened again. I mentioned it on the birth clubs at the time and a few of the mums said that their LO had experienced gassiness and discomfort which caused NWs. But they all said that their LOs grew out of it after a while.

I laid off it for a while, and now at 10m I offer broccoli at lunch times with no problems, but I am still steering clear at dinner just in case! I will probably go back to offering it at dinner after a little while longer...

Rach. x

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Re: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2012, 19:45:24 pm »
Broccoli is notorious for causing gas....maybe this was the problem?

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline Mashi

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Re: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2012, 19:56:29 pm »
Brocolli is one of the veg they advise you wait until about 10 months old for because it can be hard to digest. I would hold off for a bit but not worry it is due to intolerance x

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Re: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2012, 03:22:21 am »
My DD was the same, she would toot up a storm with broccoli ;)

That said, your body learns to deal with gassy foods the more you are exposed to them... so I wouldn't restrict it completely, just only a small amount mid - day for now :)

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Re: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2012, 09:22:26 am »
I am intolerant to broccoli to the point of being doubled over in pain and being completely useless!

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Re: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2012, 09:25:51 am »
Both of my DS's couldn't tolerate broccoli even when I was breastfeeding - it would go through my milk. So absolutely think that it can cause pain or wind and upset your little one.

Offline essexlemon

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Re: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2012, 09:46:11 am »
Thanks ladies.

I'm suspecting that he could be having trouble with a few things so have cut out broccoli for him and for me and have another thread running about elimination diets.

I'm in a quandry tbh not knowing whether he is reflux and introducing solids is therefore causing some issues or whether he is having reflux like symptoms because he is intolerant to something I am eating. We started again with his solids and he was improving but has had a cold and is now up screaming all night - seemingly disproportionate to the level of his cold iykwim. When I get a chance to get on the computer I will post the link to my new thread as its more relevant to where we are now - I guess that would be tidier? (I'm posting on my phone now - parents staying and have taken DS1 out. Baby napping. I'm supposed to be asleep but have gone past it I think - mummy suffering with OT too!)
My husband is running 13.1 miles in the Great North Run in memory of my brother. Please can you help us raise funds for the Cardiomyopathy Association in his memory?

Offline essexlemon

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Re: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2012, 10:11:13 am »
Here's my current thread.

After my broccoli question things just seemed to keep getting worse which made me sit down and think things over again, which led to an updated thread.

Thanks ladies for all your help.
My husband is running 13.1 miles in the Great North Run in memory of my brother. Please can you help us raise funds for the Cardiomyopathy Association in his memory?

Offline Buntybear

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Re: How likely is an intollerance to broccoli??? Surely not.
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2012, 18:50:03 pm »
Hi, I have locked this thread so please go over to essexlemon's new thread and offer your support and advice!