Big hugs hun.
It certainly sounds as though they're in some discomfort due to reflux.
I'm in Canada so I unfortunately don't know how your medical system works there. Where Meds haven't been a working option as of right now, take a peek here and see if you can do some of these things. We elevated the head of our girls' cribs and it helped some. We used the swing and bounce chair a lot too. Anything to keep them elevated really. If you can't get someone to come to you I very much recommend getting them in to a Dr to get some appropriate meds. They can't sleep if they're in pain.
It also sounds like you need some support (as we all do with multiples) check the UK multiples group out . Having other twins mums are great resources.
Not quite sure what you meant about every two hours. Are you giving a bottle every two hours? If so, I would recommend at this age by gradually spacing the feeds out to every three hours.