Not too sure really what to do so was really looking for some advice.....
My lo is now 20 weeks, and breastfed up until now. We had tried aptimal more than a month ago. However, on all three occasions she took the milk she vomited. The last Aptimil feed was really bad and she spent an hour and half vomiting what seemed like the entire contents of her stomach.
Since then we never tried, up until today with SMA, thinking that she may tolerate another milk better. I'd mixed 100mls EBM with 50mls SMA milk. After 3 hours, again she vomited it up and also had poo'd (which she hardly never does after that particular feed). I'm now worried that she will not tolerate this either.
Should I continue with maybe less formula?
Should I reduce the volume of feed if formula is heavier?
Or try Cow and gate?
Or not to introduce formula esp. if this is a sign of intolerance?
So many questions, but not sure as what to do next.....