Author Topic: Help! Thrush in 12month old...after googling I'm feeling discouraged/fearful  (Read 1314 times)

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Offline okinawamama

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I just recently returned from the ER with my 12mo old son and he has a double ear infection (and we're on vacation. OF COURSE!). While there I happened to look inside his mouth to see if he was teething, and I also noticed that he has thrush...ugh I showed it to the doctor and she prescribed the nystatin drop for my son, but didn't prescribe me anything. Now that I'm home and googling it appears that I should also be taking that correct? I have zero symptoms, but would really like to get rid of this ASAP.

Also, I hadn't planned on weaning my son just yet, but am now fearful that this might put an end to our BF. Would weaning make it easier to get rid of the thrush? Is being on antibiotics going to make treating thrush harder since I read that being on antibiotics is often the original cause of the overgrowth of yeast ( I am planning to get some probiotics in the morning)? Any BTDT tips? Did you boil paci's and such after each use? Did you wash your breasts before and after each feed? What about clothes/bra's? I've been reading on kellymom as well as articles from google but good grief it's a little overwhelming! I'd love any and all advice!

ETA: can I use over the counter yeast meds like monistat and my nipples (and obviously wash it off with soap and water before feeding my son)? Could I use the gentian violet for me? Ugh, the more I read the more fearful I become. Initially I thought it was no big deal, but after reading it sounds like it's terribly hard to get rid that the case?
toddler A 3/16/2009
baby B 4/20/2011

Offline ~*Nicole*~

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We had thrush also a few rounds of antibiotics for things when I was nursing. You should get nystatin cream for your nipples. Baby can nursewithout you finding as is same treatment as going in his mouth. Yogurt and probiotics etc. can help counteract yeast. Keeping dry/aired out in terms of your nipples its helpful. It is annoying but manageable. If typical treatment doesn't help you bab go back to doctor and ask got other treatment. Also check siblings...DD had yeast issue st the same time as kids touch and spread stuff by sharing cups etc.

Shouls not need to quit nursing.

O myn phone sorry for typos.

Offline Roseii

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Sorry I don't know a huge amount about it but dd2 had oral thrush twice when she was tiny and was prescribed same as your LO, and I never took anything and didn't get it.. X
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race

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Definitely probiotics.  I've heard mixed things about thrush, some people seem to get rid of it more easily.

Offline okinawamama

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we are hoping to make it to a healthfood store today and grab some probiotics! I hope that helps keep his tummy ok! Ugh. I'm in the middle of boiling bra's, paci's, sippy cups and everything else I can think of that has obviously come in contact iwth his mouth. Here's to hoping we are one of those that is able to gget rid of this pretty easily
toddler A 3/16/2009
baby B 4/20/2011

Offline LucK

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I had thrush twice with DD1 as a newborn. 
First time around used gentian violet and it worked.  Second time used gentian violet but it didn't work on me.  So I took grapefruit seed extract internally and got Nipple Ointment Cream.  My doctor wasn't familiar with this and didn't seem to agree with the ingredients but it worked.  My midwife gave me the prescription but wan't able to sign for it hence I had to see my family doctor.  I also recommend probiotics for both especially if he's on antibiotics.

My midwife recommeded to poor boiling water over bras or any pillow cases etc.  You can also air dry them in the sun.  Sun apparently kills yeast.  I would just get him new paci's if you think he is over it.
See the link for jack newman's nipple ointment cream and candida protocol.

Offline Fiver

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This link is for a great leaflet about treating thrush with medication and gives the generic name of medication to use Hope it clears up soon
*** Amanda ***