Hi again.
So, you're routine looks really good, I think. There's a chance she could be stretched to 6:30/45 pm for bedtime if you think she's not quite tired enough. Although, the waking 45 min to an hour after BT usually indicates OT, rather than UT.
I would actually feed at the 4:30/5 am waking. It's been 4 hr since she last ate, and it just might get you to a later wakeup, which would hopefully get you to a bit of a later bedtime too. Not sure that's something you're going for, but at least then you don't have to worry about people saying she's going to bed too early (which she's not, btw, but I think you know that
. If she still wakes around 6:30ish, then you can offer a top-up feed upon waking or just wait to feed her for an hour or so and eventually work your way back to routine by the end of the day.
I don't remember if we talked about this on your other thread, but the other thing to note here is that while she definitely doesn't need formula (unless you've had supply issues, I don't know why she wouldn't be getting enough), several EBF babies don't make it a full 4 hr between feeds until they are on solids. So, if you think she's needing/wanting more milk in the day, you can always offer a top up feed an hour after the initial feed or about 30 min before a nap.
Try not to let the advice of those around you get into your head. As far as I'm concerned, it looks like things are going really well. It is totally common to still have two NFs at 5 mo with an EBF kiddo.