Hello everyone,
This is my first time posting here and I have to say this forum has been a lifesaver for me!
I have been practicing the EASY routine for about two weeks with my 11 week old. His naps were all over the place, some days he would nap too long, some days not nap at all and he would wake up frequently at night. When I heard about the EASY routine, it all made sense. When we started following it and logging all of my son's mealtimes and naps everything started settling into place. My baby wasnt as fussy and started sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at night!
But then, about a week ago, he started waking up at 300-330am every night and then again about 530am. He seems to still be really tired and isnt hungry at the 530 feeding, so im not sure what I should do? Get up or put him back down? My husband and I looked over his log sheets and my husband feels like I am putting him down too early at night (usually around 8-830pm and then wake him up for his dreamfeed at about 11pm) but how can I tell my baby not to be tired?
Please advise on what I could be doing wrong!