Author Topic: Regression - easy is not that easy??? 16 wo baby  (Read 5724 times)

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Re: Regression - easy is not that easy??? 16 wo baby
« Reply #45 on: June 19, 2012, 07:26:42 am »
And, you might as well get an extra cluster-type feed into him on a 3.5 hr EASY so he hopefully sleeps longer at night for you.
well - I do that, but it doesn't really help :(
Yesterday I fed him at 18:10 - but he didn't eat much. Then at 19:50 - he ate few min, and then at 23:05 a DF that this time I BF instead of DH who sometimes gives him a EBM. But - once again he woke up at 3:55 - not even 4:00... We slept with the AC turned on so the temperature wasn't the issue. It doesn't seem to be able to sleep more than 5-6 hours without food. And the DF was quite long. Almost 30 min that he ate....
Today we revisit the doctor. She was pleased though I wasn't :( - he gained only 200 gr in 12 days. I must say there is an improvement - he doesn't cries when he eats and the days are better referring to his gas and stomach aces. So in order to stop the BF she told me he should get special formula - Nutramigen (specific for babies who suffer from intolerance to cow milk). I was a bit depressed that all the stock I've had in my freezer won't be in use for him since this is milk I've pumped from the time I used to dairy products.
In addition the stool check showed that he still had the Rota virus in his body - here babies get an immune for that virus at ages 2, 4, and 6 months. All the issues with his stomach started after he got that immune and the doctor said that there might be connection to that. So he won't get this immune any more (at least till further notice). So now that we have a clue to what bothered him and we hope to be on the right way - I must figure out how to extend his night sleep.
When we dropped the DF he slept without food 6 hours - woke at 2:00 and then at 6:00. But - 2 weeks ago we had 2-3 nights where he slept from 23:00-23:30 till 5:00-5:30. So - what should I do?

Offline katie80

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Re: Regression - easy is not that easy??? 16 wo baby
« Reply #46 on: June 19, 2012, 20:37:45 pm »
Honestly, I'm not sure there is all that much you can do at this point. A 5-6 hr stretch is pretty common for an EBF baby at 4 mo. Although they sometimes did it on their own, I've not felt comfortable pushing my kids passed that point until they're about 6 mo.  Both of mine were able to go from DF til morning around 6-8 mo and then from BT til morning around 10-12 mo.  I know it's not that fun to wake in the middle of the night, but I beleive he still needs that feed and in all reality it is such a short-lived time when it's all said and done.

(((Hugs))) for the dr appt; I'm sorry you weren't more pleased.  Interesting about the rotavirus, poor little guy. :( Hope it all clears up soon!

Offline orit78

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Re: Regression - easy is not that easy??? 16 wo baby
« Reply #47 on: June 20, 2012, 10:37:44 am »
A 5-6 hr stretch is pretty common for an EBF baby at 4 mo.
I understand that (especially since he is under weight and so small), but I just find it odd that he wakes up exactly at the same hour every night now - the hour 3:50-3:55 appears on my clock... It's not even 5 hours... It's something like 4:45 and it's always the same hour. Isn't a habit?
Yesterday he ate at 17:50 When he woke up from his cat nap. The next meal was at 19:45 just before bed but he hardly ate (only few min and didn't want more) so I figure he'll need a DF. Stupid me I forgot about the watch and instead of giving it to him at 22:30 both me and my DH were busy with something and at 23:05 he woke up. He ate 100ml of the new formula (for his intolerance of dairy food). And then once again he woke up at 3:50.
I'm just afraid it's a habit... I tried give the paci - but it didn't really last. Cause eventually he's hungry. But I'm not sure the hunger is the trigger for the NW.

Offline katie80

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Re: Regression - easy is not that easy??? 16 wo baby
« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2012, 13:51:27 pm »
You could try w2s then at 2:50 am and see if it pushes him past. If he's truly not hungry, this should help reset him. It usually takes 3-7 nights to see if it's working.  Here's a little more info:

Offline orit78

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Re: Regression - easy is not that easy??? 16 wo baby
« Reply #49 on: June 21, 2012, 08:16:20 am »
well - I thought of doing that, but yesterday he got two vaccinations and he fever got high in the evening so I didn't want to add more factors... DH gave him a bottle at 23:30. He ate only 80 ml (it was formula and not BM). This time he woke up at 4:40. So... At least it wasn't 3:50 :)
Thing is that his farts got back. When he woke up at night and also when he woke this morning he farted. It didn't seem as it hurt him but I just wondered - it may have to do with the formula, I guess. For now - we give it to him only at the DF. So that his body will get use to that. It's a special formula for babies who suffer from intolerance to dairy/soy, so I hope it'll be fine.
It's just that I expected that at his age he'll sleep much more - I've seen it with DD1 and DD2 - EASY does work and does makes things easier. But with this LO - things are so different...

Offline becj86

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Re: Regression - easy is not that easy??? 16 wo baby
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2012, 08:32:14 am »
Stick with lots of extra cuddles while he's getting through the vaccinations. You can get back on track once he's feeling better. He isn't sick, but he feels sick.