Dear Katie,
As I read your response I felt eager to try it right away. I'm a bit ashamed to admit it NEVER crossed my mind that all this could be related to him being OT!
Anyway, today things went on something like this:
Wake: 6.20
Eat: 7.30
Sleep: I put him down at 11 when we got back home from my work. He resisted the nap. I tried for 40min as advised in another post I read. He didn't sleep, in fact he cried more and more. I took him out for 10 min and then tried again for another 15, until feed time. He didn't sleep at all.
Eat: 12-12:15
Sleep: I put him down at 12:35, and HE WAS ASLEEP BY 12:38!!! I couldnīt believe my eyes.
**Now, here's the thing: He woke after 30 minutes (his usual nap time), but this time I knew better and I put him back down, and he was asleep in a second. W-O-W
He woke up again after another 45min and I thought he was ready for A, since he had already slept twice as much as he usually does. MY MISTAKE!
I took him out of the crib but he kept whining, and resting his head on my chest so I finally caught the hint
and after 10min I put him back to sleep. And HE SLEPT, AGAIN!
In total, he took a 2hr 20min nap. This had never happened before, ever!
I took a nap, read my book (I mean, for real!???), took a shower that lasted longer than 5min, and cooked lunch. I'm speechless.**
Eat: 4.00
Sleep: I put him down at 7.50, 10 min earlier than usual. I think I'll try to hit the ideal bedtime you suggested gradually. He was asleep after 20min.
I know it's been just a day, but I'm super happy
and willing to hold on.
Now, I wonder:
- Should I wake him from a nap if it is feed time?
- I think I might focus on the naps and bedtime issues first, and when that's settled, work with the SA. I'm afraid I won't be able to look at everything at the same time. What do you think?
Katie, I REALLY appreciate your help, time and advice.
Thanks so much