Author Topic: 14wk old wont nap or stay asleep  (Read 897 times)

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Offline honeypinkblonde

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14wk old wont nap or stay asleep
« on: June 08, 2012, 14:43:02 pm »
my son has a walk first thing in the pram and will sleep for 1hr approx.he used to then feed fall asleep on me and get transferred every coupl of he wakes when i put him down or after 10mns used to 20-40mns.his mobile doesnt work how am i meant to get him to sleep.its such a long day then in the evening hes grumpy he'll sleep on you but i dont want that.todays hes had 30mns in short goes been up since 8 will go to bed at 10 dont really want bedtime earlier in case he wakes.really would love some help please

Offline becj86

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Re: 14wk old wont nap or stay asleep
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 05:56:36 am »
What's his routine - how long is he awake before he goes down for a nap?
Am I right in thinking his bedtime is 10pm?

Have a read of this:

Hugs, we've all been there.

Offline honeypinkblonde

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Re: 14wk old wont nap or stay asleep
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 20:07:57 pm »
hi hes awake between 1-3hrs before a nap but the naps are very short i'd like him to fall asleep by himself in his cot.bedtimes same as us i'd like it earlier but worried he'll wake in the night.he screams a lot now think its when hes overtired.thanks

Offline becj86

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Re: 14wk old wont nap or stay asleep
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 09:18:07 am »
He should be up around 1hr45 or so from when he wakes to when he falls asleep again (less after a short nap). He needs also to be getting a good 11-12hr night so he's well rested.

Its very hard to teach a baby how to sleep when he's overtired, which your little fellow sounds like he is, so I'd get as much sleep into him as you can and then set about sleep training. It works best around this age anyway, so you've found us at just the right time :)

I'd do a routine something like this (AP the naps if you have to for a few days to get his body used to it and to ensure he is well rested):
7 - up for the day, E
8:45 - asleep
10:30 - awake, E
12:15 - asleep
2:00 - awake, E
3:45 - asleep
5:15 - awake, E
6:30 - BT feed
7 - asleep for the night
NF's - normal to have 2-3 night feeds at this age - if its been 3-4hr since the last feed, feed him and get him back to sleep as soon as you can (make sure you burp him though!)

He'll sleep better in the night if he goes to bed around the time his body is ready to do so - usually around 7pm for most babies - and gets a good amount of sleep during the day. Sleep begets sleep :)

After a few days doing this, he'll be well enough rested to start sleep training using shush/pat or gradual withdrawal. If you plan to use GW, choose an AP method like holding to sleep that you can wean gradually by putting LO down a little more awake each time.

I cannot guarantee it will be this easy for you, but sleep training my son took 2-3 days (started Friday morning and by Sunday afternoon, he was going to sleep independently for naps and bedtime) when I did it just before he turned 4 months. He was well rested and in a good routine which I knew suited him, he was young enough not to be too attached to his habits and most importantly, I was ready to be patient and teach him.

What do you think?

Offline honeypinkblonde

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Re: 14wk old wont nap or stay asleep
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 13:32:48 pm »
hi i've tried to put him down before tired but its not working so far hes very unsettled today has had no happy awake time and we've both cried a lot.hes finally asleep but has awoken a couple of times and i've patted him back to sleep hes now had over an hour. it just seems to take all day trying to get him to nap and thn they dont last i right in thinking if i catch him before hes to tired he shouldnt fight sleep so much and hopefully just drop off? also night time i'm a bit unsure about he goes down approx 10 he falls asleep on me then we swaddle and transfer he will then sleep until 7ish i'm hoping to gradually just get a bit earlier as i dont really want to wake him for a feed but not sure he'd go down the whole night with an early bedtime. thanks for your help

Offline becj86

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Re: 14wk old wont nap or stay asleep
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 20:49:01 pm »
am i right in thinking if i catch him before hes to tired he shouldnt fight sleep so much and hopefully just drop off?
That depends on whether he's just tired or whether he's undertired. Its pretty tricky to find the sleep window when LO is so overtired as your little fellow would be. That's why I suggested following that routine pretty close to the clock for a few days so he's at least relatively well rested and we can tweak from there.

also night time i'm a bit unsure about he goes down approx 10 he falls asleep on me then we swaddle and transfer he will then sleep until 7ish i'm hoping to gradually just get a bit earlier as i dont really want to wake him for a feed but not sure he'd go down the whole night with an early bedtime.
You don't have to wake him for a feed. You could try a dreamfeed just before you go to bed - that's feeding him while he's still asleep. It can work really well for some babies and since he's used to sleeping 10-7 solids already (which is amazing, by the way), he may just sleep that fine still but catch up his overtiredness a bit. I must warn you though, that some babies don't take to the dreamfeed well and will wake frequently due to having disturbed their sleep (or from gas) - the timing of the dreamfeed is quite important in that - 3-4hr after LO is asleep for the night is when its best because they're in a pretty deep sleep at that point.

I think you're going to have a lot of difficulty with day naps until you give him 11-12hr sleep at night, because he will be overtired from the short night.