Author Topic: Eating out with milk allergy baby  (Read 1847 times)

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Offline petram

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Eating out with milk allergy baby
« on: June 10, 2012, 08:45:59 am »
I just wanted to see what you do.....

My LO is 12months and is allergic to milk lactose, he can't have dairy at all, neither can he have foods with hidden milk in. I have to check the label on everything he has to ensure it doesn't contain milk in any form.
If he has milk, even hidden in say a cracker it make him very sick within an hr or 2.

Anyway, we are going away for 3 nights to a hotel, i wont be able to cook him anything and im worried about what we can do.
Usually on holiday i do just cook for him, or i prepare before hand and freeze some meals and take them with us, even if we eat out (at home or on holiday) i take a meal with us and ask them to heat it for me.

What do you do for little ones?
Im considering buying some suitable jar food from the supermarket to take, but would like to avoid if possible.


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Re: Eating out with milk allergy baby
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 10:35:58 am »
Hi, it is a hard one but TBH I would have bought pouches of organic baby food at that age.

Most UK restaurants are now fairly good with allergies now and often have foods that have dairy in them marked on the menu - or if not you can ask. Of course I am not sure where you are going but that is my expereicnce here!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 10:37:58 am by Buntybear »

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Re: Eating out with milk allergy baby
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2012, 04:46:52 am »
I would do the baby food from the store as well... given that he is still only a year old, it will be fine for a short time.. with such a strong reaction,  I wouldn't chance it.

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Re: Eating out with milk allergy baby
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2012, 04:55:39 am »
After spending two weeks with a highly allergic child on a trip, I would do the baby food from the store. You can go to the health food section and get some great finger foods like rice crackers as well as small cut up fruits in fruit trays. I wish we had done this because we had several delayed food reactions and with the introduction of so many foods that I didn't know exactly how they were prepared it was pretty tough to figure out what had caused the reaction in the first place. Cross contamination of milk can happen so easily and tbh I wouldn't think it would be worth it at this age.

It might not be the ideal for you, but in the overall scheme of your vacation and enjoyment I would go the super easy route and take as much stress off as possible.

Good luck!
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: Eating out with milk allergy baby
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2012, 05:57:29 am »
We did BLW with my MPI LO, so while I would bring a lot of her food with me, it was never purees. Like Vicki said, the organic section of the supermarket can give you some good  choices - crackers, hummus, nut butters, etc   She would have a lot of fruit, and veges that don't require cooking eg cucumber sticks and tomatoes.

Will your hotel room have a fridge? When I knew we would have a fridge I would bring food from our freezer also - it would thaw on the trip but was then fine in the fridge for a couple of days. Mostly components, rather than full meals - eg, homemade fish cakes, meatballs, vegetable fritters, etc.  When at a restaurant then she can have some of that, and anything we're having that we're sure is safe - my LO will always eat plain rice!!! And I would always have plenty of safe snacks for her - homemade sugar-free cookies, muffins, more fruit etc.


Offline petram

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Re: Eating out with milk allergy baby
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2012, 08:57:02 am »
Thanks ladies

Having ensured my LO eats healthy and that I cook his meals as best i can i was feeling like a bad mum for going down the 'jar food' route!
Any way you have all made me feel a bit better about doing it, so thanks x