so yesterday was a "meh" day .... she woke from her first nap around the 30min mark so in the chair we went. same for second nap, except by then i was exhausted so in my bed we went, where i actually got some sleep too. i don't remember the times though
3rd nap in her crib, woke, resettled but took a good 30min and then slept for another 45-60min, can't remember. ugh.
this morning, i decided that since i'm so tired we'd nap together in my bed - thank god we did, i got a full 2hours 720am-955am for her. just put her down for second nap @ 11:13am, patted the full 20min, and of course, now she's stirring 5min after i left the room. I should mention that she showed no signs of being sleepy before this nap, I just went into her room around 1055am and began the wind down routine so that she's be asleep at the 1hr20min mark and no later.
haven't darkened the room any more yet, though it's on the list of things to do this weekend.
tried the longer A time, but she only made it once or twice - even after both resettled/APOPed naps yesterday, which were quite lengthy (at least 2hrs each) she was yawning after 45min A time! i thought extended naps were supposed to help?! i am just so tired - physically, emotionally, mentally, and tired of this nonsense
as for the soother, don't know what to make of that because about half the time she doesn't care if it falls out and the other half it absolutely does wake her up/or she wakes looking for it, but even just replugging doesn't settle her right away, i have to do the whole 20min of patting AGAIN.
Which reminds me, I wanted ask: do you have to do the whole 20min every time they wake? or just at the start of a nap? Also, is it considered an OT nap if they wake at 30min but we help them back to sleep, therefore getting more sleep? and should the following A time be shortened even in this circumstance?
up I go, to try to resettle her again because apparently it's not going to happen after 10 min on her own
big tears. ...
so she had almost 15min to try and resettle - she's not crying, just doing her little sqeaks and moans with eyes wide open as if to say "help me, I need to sleep!" (as if I didn't know that sweetie! haha) so replugged the soother, began the patting, she spit it right out, had to sheild her eyes and within 5min she was in the beginning of sleeping ... so I patted for the full 20min ..... let's see how this goes. so it's now 1:10pm, still sleeping.
I guess my EASY today has been:
WU 615am
E 630
A 1hr10min
S 720ish-955am (in bed with me due to sheer exhaustion)
E 10am
A 1hr15min
S 11:13-11:35, (try to settle herself, I went in @ 11:50,) back to sleep 11:54 (with patting for 20min), woke her at 1:30
E 1:35
A 1hr3min - started wind down in her room at 1:20; held her with bum pat and soother while swaddled as she did slow sleepy blinks (as I did with my older one and outlined in post responding to eva026 .... so we'll see) This seems like a super short A time, but she yawned right as I was getting ready to put her swaddle blanket on, so I guess she was ready anyway
S 2:33pm-3:05 (soother fell out grrrr) have been trying to resettler her now for over 20min. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY MADDENING!!!!
3:40 i give up resettling her, she keeps putting her fist in her mouth, i guess she's hungry, but how can she be when she just ate an hour ago
?? bawling my eyes out. I just feel like what's the point of any of this?? I hate this age
i'm sorry for being such a downer
yup, she ate! sheesh! I just can't figure this girl out. and I think that last nap was definitely UnderTired, although she was very yawn-y the whole time I tried to resettle her and is a bit fussy now ... can't seem to tell if she wants to eat, burp... i've tried both, but no takers.