I feel your pain BIG TIME. As you know, we've been having some short napping issues these last couple of weeks, resulting in mommy getting no naps because I'm spending the entire nap times in her room helping her transition. I guess the light at the end of this particular tunnel is that she's not a cranky baby, thank god, she just needs help learning to sleep better during the day.
As for feeling down, I totally know where you're coming from. Just last week I went to my family doc and asked for a referral to a women's health clinic that deals with post-partum mood stuff; called the doc office today, they haven't heard from the clinic, so decided to call myself only to discover that their intake line is on a 2 week break!
How annoying is that? I actually want to get help and talk to someone, and I have to wait until July now. Having gone through this very similarly with my older one, I do know a couple things: a) it does get better, but when you're in the thick of it, you're in it deep (just like I am now too) b) don't be afraid to ask for help from your family doc - I waited until my older one was 7months before getting any counselling, and I really wish I hadn't, which is why I saw him last week to get on top of this; c) I know too how much it sucks to feel like your body will just never be the same - for me, it's my stupid scar from both c-sections, only after this one opened up a bit the day after the surgery, I now have one spot that's twice the thickness of the whole rest of it
AND it's wider than the first time too
I do understand and offer you huge hugs. I've cried about 3 times already today - and this was a better day than most
Hang in there hon xo