We did but also when she started to react to what seemed like everything we avoided it like the plague.
This morning J let her have a bite of her banana
It's hard for even them to keep straight what E can have so we decided that we would just go ahead with the bananas. We cut some up in a bowl for her (about half a banana) and she had a pretty loose bm before she even finished them. She does have a bug and has had some tylenol and advil so I have to keep an open mind but I have a feeling that this might be an indication she's not ready for them. No other reaction so if she's still ok tomorrow we'll give them to her again.
She typically doesn't get diarrhea with a cold or from the Meds she's currently taking but I'll give it another try tomorrow and see. If she reacts again with the same or looser bm I'll wait until the bug is over and try again. I really don't think the bug is that bad but I really have to consider all variables.
What do you think? If the bananas are a fail should I skip the rest of the tropical fruits? All of them (mangos, papayas and pineapples) have been terrible in the past. But she's fine with her coconut milk. Not sure