Day five for strawberries and......fine!!!
Even if she reacts now, she used to react within hours so that tells me that she's at least not as sensitive. She also got her hands on some cherries a few days ago and she's never had them and fine there too. So strawberries and a few stone fruits and still fine.
I used to wonder if she would outgrow everything and we wouldn't really know what was wrong and it would drive me nuts not knowing. But it does seem that now that we know exactly what it is, she's slowly coming out of it. Knock on wood, I don't want to jinx it but I'm really starting to feel positive about it all.
After the strawberries I may as well go to stone fruits and figure them out for sure. Peaches were a problem and perhaps just the canned ones so I'll try fresh first.
We had a citrus issue not a month ago so we're going to wait on that with the milk and the wheat. Where she's not a serious case of FPIES, I think the allergist is giving me free rein on foods outside of dairy, citrus and wheat. My gut says she would fail those one and I think that's the rationale of the allergist. She's not had peanuts though is fine with almonds so we may attempt some peanut butter when dh comes home.
So things are looking fairly positive right now. Very exciting to see her enjoying the foods now also