Hayden has been GF for about 2.5 months now. I have to admit, at first I liked it, thought it was workable, thought it seemed to make her sleep better. Then I hated it. It's expensive, it's time consuming, it's difficult, it's inconvenient, the food is not as good. I love to bake, yet I can't find anything that's good to bake with, I hate the idea of spending $50 on five different flours to make one loaf of bread that is flat and dense. I spend an inordinate amount of time on the internet looking for things to make. The rest of the family suffers because they (we) can't eat the nice pastas, cookies, etc. that we like and we can't eat out (even just the rare occasion that we would is now really out of the question).
So, since I had noticed her visibly refluxing a few times lately and her sleep seems to have gone to pot again, I figured, how bad can it get? GF diet seems to not have helped much, so I trialled her with gluten laden foods this weekend. We were OOT and I had brought some GF stuff, but we were at someone else's house and everything there was full of gluten. On the first day, Saturday, she had a piece of wheat bread toast. The next day she had some pancakes and macaroni. The next day she had pancakes, and wheat bread. Today she had oatmeal for breakfast and wheat crackers at snack. She woke up 2x last night, complaining of a sore tummy. Today she didn't eat much at all due to a sore tummy at daycare. Then she fell asleep in the middle of circle time, so they let her nap for 30 mins. When she got home after work, she begged to go to sleep at 5:30. I kept her awake until 6 but she was very tired and crabby and didn't want dinner. She's been up since then, for an hour between 8 and 9, crying about a sore tummy.
I guess she's eating GF foods now forever. This totally sucks for all of us.