Author Topic: 4 month and waking SEVERAL times between 11:30pm-3am  (Read 1214 times)

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Offline lobster15

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4 month and waking SEVERAL times between 11:30pm-3am
« on: July 09, 2012, 22:07:41 pm »
I started DS on EASY at exactly 4 months, which was a week ago. He has been doing much better eating and taking naps.
However, he's sleeping at night is horrible. Last night being the worst.
Although his eating is better during the day he still isnt the best eater. He eats between 4-7ounces at 7am, 11am, 3pm, and then i was doing cluster feeding/tanking up at 5:30 and 7:30 then DF at 10pm.

Last night he cried and cried until i fed him at 3am and he ate 6 ounces.

I TRY SO HARD to get him to eat more during the day, but he won't finish his bottles. The majoirty of the time he takes around 5 ounces and at his cluster feeds he'll take 3-4ounces, same at DF.

Below is his routine

E - 7am 5ounces (exception this morning 3oz because he ate 6oz at 3am)
A -
S- 9AM-11AM
E- 11 AM 6-7oz
E-3PM 6-7 oz (exception today 4 oz)
S- 5:30-6:15PM CAT NAP
E- 7PM, THEN BATH 5-6 ounces
DF @10pm 3 ounces

so why is he waking in the middle of the night???
I do the 4 S, he's great with it.
I have noticed he is a side sleeper so i employed a make shift wedge last night and after that he was out until 7am when i woke him.

PLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEASEEEEE any and alll advice is much appreciated! i literally sobbed today for 15mins because i am so exhaused. also, a side note - he has been waking at least a dozen times (with the exception of 2-3 days on EASY he only woke 2X) for the last month!

Offline Lolly

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Re: 4 month and waking SEVERAL times between 11:30pm-3am
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 19:25:04 pm »
What time is he waking in the night? If it's at least 3 hours after the DF I would assume hunger, feed and re-settle ASAP to be honest. You EASY looks fab so I don't think that's causing issues.

What flow teat are you using at the moment? Does he have any digestive issues like reflux?

{{HUGS}} the sleep deprivation is just the worst!


Offline lobster15

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Re: 4 month and waking SEVERAL times between 11:30pm-3am
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2012, 00:45:33 am »
i had to finally take him to the ped because the next night he was awake ALLLL night and wouldnt let us put him down. turns out he has reflux and an ear infection. poor little man : (

we started giving him medication and it has helped. last night he only woke 3 times. i am hoping each night will get better.

thanks for the response!