Author Topic: 3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???  (Read 1731 times)

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Offline hkgirlo

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3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???
« on: July 20, 2012, 20:39:45 pm »
So my 13 wk old roughly follows a 3 hour EASY though short naps often mess up our times- regardless, things seem to even out by the end of the day and she usually goes to bed between 7-8. It was 7-7:30, but this last week or so she stays up for 2 hours after her catnap. So, if our day goes along with feedings at 7,1,4, and 6, she ends up in bed at 8. I don't want her in bed at 8- I'd like her in bed around 7 or 7:30 so she gets an extra hour of sleep. Does this mean she doesn't need it? Should I not worry about it? In the morning she only stays up for 1-1.5 hrs at a time and then just before bed it's 2? Seems backwards to me. Unless she is overtired, but what do I do about that?!

Offline hkgirlo

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when do you get rid of a catnap?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2012, 22:49:21 pm »
My daughter will be 14 weeks on Monday. Just wondering when people get rid of the catnap? How many hours should a 3 mo old sleep during the day? We do a 3 hour easy and she has 3 45-1.5 hr sleeps in the day- sometimes 2 hr sleeps if shes catnapped in the am. She wakes between 6-7 and has started going to bed at 8ish instead of 7/730 and is difficult to settle for bedtime.

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Re: 3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2012, 00:45:01 am »
How are her nights?  Does she have night wakings?

You may want to be sure that she is getting closer to 1.5 hours A times throughout the day.  She may not be quite tired enough for bed at night if she is getting too much day sleep.  

How is her demeanor?  Does the less sleep at night seem to be bothering her?

Generally the catnap isn't dropped until about 6 months.  Until then, it's the 2 naps and the catnap to tide over to bed time.  At 6 months they are able to handle 3 hour A times and longer naps to make it through the day.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 00:58:00 am by RachelC »

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Offline hkgirlo

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Re: 3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2012, 22:09:06 pm »
No, not usually (night wakings). She goes to bed between 7-8 and has a DF at 10 or 10:30 and then 2 feedings in the night (1/2 &4/5ish). She rarely wakes up fully anymore and just goes right back to sleep after her 5-10 min feed (she's an efficient eater). So, I don't get why she is so tired in the morning. She starts to get cranky after being up for only an hour. I tried keeping her up today and she did not catnap for the first nap- didn't even really wake at the 45 min mark. Next nap she was wide awake at 45 min. Yes, she is usually cranky after a short nap- sometimes I can get her back down.

Our days have been messed up even more now because the last couple days she has slept til 8am (awesome for me : ), but she won't really have a catnap because her 3rd nap is 3:30-5. Then she will likely be awake til 7 and go to bed. I suppose its ok as long as she eats the same number of times, right? The same last night, she went to bed well, but she had 1 good nap and two short naps and we were shopping etc...

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Re: 3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2012, 01:19:02 am »
Hi,  I just wanted to share my experience with my 11 week old.  He too is a bit unsettled at night.  Just wanted to share that my DS's average wake time is nowhere close to 1.5 hrs especially first thing in the morning.  I find he gets tired by 45 minutes after he wakes.  as for the rest of the day, he can manage an hour at which point we commence windown.  Just thought I'd share.  I know all babies are different, some can last longer than others.  good luck!

Offline hkgirlo

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Re: 3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2012, 03:00:50 am »
Hi,  I just wanted to share my experience with my 11 week old.  He too is a bit unsettled at night.  Just wanted to share that my DS's average wake time is nowhere close to 1.5 hrs especially first thing in the morning.  I find he gets tired by 45 minutes after he wakes.  as for the rest of the day, he can manage an hour at which point we commence windown.  Just thought I'd share.  I know all babies are different, some can last longer than others.  good luck!

Thanks...its good to hear about other people's similar situations : )

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Re: 3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2012, 02:59:45 am »
Next nap she was wide awake at 45 min.

What was her A time prior to this nap?

If she is sleeping until 8am, she may be able to handle the 8pm bed time. 

Can you keep track of her EASY and post as such?

E 8
S 9:15-10:30
E 11
S 12:15-1

And yes, as karebearry suggests, all babies are different and may not be able to handle the longer A times, but I think in this case, the struggling with the 45 minute naps is an undertired baby.

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

Offline hkgirlo

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Re: 3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2012, 16:10:58 pm »
Her A times are 1.5 hours. She gets REALLY cranky and whiney so that's how I know she is ready for bed. Yesterday she had 1.5 A times and for every nap she woke at 45 min crying and was difficult to settle back down to go to sleep- she seemed tired. She would just only sleep on me and the second I put her down in her crib she would cry, so I spent a good 40 minutes each nap trying to settle her- As I type she is waking up at the 40 min mark in her crib- and she did have 1.5 hr A time.

How would you know (if your baby is seemingly cranky and whiney when tired) when to extend A times. She seems to not eat as much at the three hr mark and I wonder if we are nearly ready for a 3.5 EASY? Thoughts?

Offline hkgirlo

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Re: 3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2012, 16:13:37 pm »
Also, I have been AP by rocking her to sleep- she has been a really fussy baby so I knowingly did she certainly has trouble settling/calming herself because I have helped her do it- we will be doing PU/PD soon because I can't do this forever. Also, yesterday she seemed to have some tummy troubles with lots of spitting up so I don't know if she was just more needy yesterday? Sometimes she can be put right back to sleep when she wakes from naps, but then there are days like yesterday where she struggles with going back down.

Offline ArianaCR

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Re: 3 mo old EASY routine- staying up 2 hours at bed time???
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2012, 16:26:33 pm »
I have a 15 week old and this is what works for us.  I think it's normal to ave a shorter morning waketime.  My schedule probably looks crazy but it's basically a 1hr 10 min WT and 1hr 45 min naps with a cat nap in the evening.  I copied it from other posts.

7a E, A
8a S
10a E, A
1110a S
1255p E, A
205p S
350p E, A
5p cat nap
6p E, A
715p E again to get enough feeds in
730 bed
no dream feed