Hello, I have a 5 1/2 month old that fights sleep, and bf all the time, and is fussy all the time,he bf when he wakes up from naps and right before he goes to sleep...I tried the EASY method but he likes to nurse before sleep, cries if we don't...I tried sleep traing at 3 months with SHH and patting and putting him to sleep in his bassenet (he sleeps in bed with me at night and sometimes for naps, other times for naps its in the swing)...I know I am guilty of accidental parenting, but I need some help, he is a spirited and somewhat touchy baby...should I be swaddling at 5 months (I tried when he was younger but he hated it and would always break out, even the swaddle me wraps)...DS usually has 1.5 to 2 hour waking times, usually takes 45 min naps...I tried putting him back to sleep when he wakes up, sometimes it works, most of the time not, sometimes after he's been awake for 5 min he yawns, should I try then putting him back to sleep...I know I sound like I'm rambling but I need some help please...
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