Looking to get some feedback with regards to 6.5mo ds's feeding routine. He's been on solids for about 2 weeks now and fully on formula for about 5 days. I feel like the routine I have is working but I don't want to over feed him with either formula or solids. I follow his eating cues and when he doesn't want to drink or eat he lets me know so I don't push it. One thing to know is that he is used to getting his bottle before naps so I push his bottle where I need to in order to match his naps. Another question I had was with his first E being bottle, solids and then a full bottle where do I start to count my 4 hours from- 6 or 8am? Anyways here's what our eating routine looks like:
Usually wakes about 5/515 and yaps about and I don't get him until he starts to whine/cry
E: 6am (3/4oz), 7 (2tbsp cereal with 1tbsp fruit or veggie), 8 (4-6oz top-up)
S: 8-930
E: 1145am (2tbsp veggie, 1tbsp fruit), 1pm (6oz)
S: 107-150pm
E: 4pm (4oz)
S: 410-450pm (sometimes I can get this catnap and sometimes I can't)
E: 515 (2tbsp veggies, 1tbsp fruit), 7pm (6oz)
S: 715
E: 11pm DF (4-6oz but usually 6oz)
I'm thinking his morning bottle is only usually 4oz because he is still full from the night and also because he is fully awake and has better things to do than sit in my lap and drink milk. I get a feeling he just takes what makes him feel full and then goes on with his day and hence he downs 6oz before his nap when he is sleepy. Make any sense? Anyways any thoughts on this would be very much appreciated. I feel so lost with ds, dd just seemed so much easier lol!