Author Topic: 8.5 mo still waking at night  (Read 1413 times)

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Offline Tommys Mommy

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8.5 mo still waking at night
« on: July 24, 2012, 19:32:32 pm »
DS is 8.5 mo.  His daily routine is pretty good, generally decent naps and A times.  He tends to have a short morning A, but takes naps 1-1.5 in the morning and afternoon.  He is BF on both sides about 5 times per day (still doing a DF because I didn't realize it was time to wean it!).  He sometimes won't take the pre-bedtime breast feed.  He eats solids like a champion during the day.  Bedtime is between 7-8 sort of depending on his sleepy signals and how recently he had a nap.

He wakes up a variable number of times per night.  He has slept through the night a few times from 11-6 or 11-4 more commonly and then 8-11 before the DF.  To be honest, I'm so used to the nightwakings that I don't remember all of them the next morning.  He wakes up and cries, usually I can go in to his room, put the binky back in and go to bed.  That's it.  The last two nights, for some reason, he has not settled again, eventually fully woken, eyes open and stayed up fussing/crying periodically for at least two hours.  In both cases, I had to feed him to get him to go back to sleep (which is pretty unusual).  He ended up in our bed this morning. 

His A times are a little variable.  From 2-2.5 hrs in the morning up to 4 hours in the afternoon.  I know if I could even them out, they could all be around 3 hours but he honestly seems so tired in the morning...he's always seemed to have a shorter A in the morning (probably because he always wakes up in the night) and a good morning nap. 

He has no teeth yet so I feel like I'm constantly blaming teething for issues but they never come!  He's been teething in my mind for 2 months.  He does seem to be wanting to move these last few days (he's not on all fours yet, but he's been rocking like he's trying to crawl and he's definitely trying to maneuver into position).  In the night, he's not practicing though.  He's lying flat on his back, like a beetle, complaining.  He definitely needs his binky to get back to sleep, though he never looks for it (because he knows I'll get it for him).  He does have a blanket he goes to sleep with, which has recently become a lovey.  He can actually fall asleep really well at the beginning of the night, he just can't self-soothe back to sleep.  That is the major problem.

I haven't tried PU/PD.  Shh-pat just seems to annoy him.  I'm really tired.  I expected to be sleeping at this point!!  I'm torn between throwing the binky out and putting 15 of them in the crib. 

Offline becj86

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Re: 8.5 mo still waking at night
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2012, 02:11:51 am »
I'm torn between throwing the binky out and putting 15 of them in the crib.
This is essentially the issue - its a prop at the moment. You have two choices:
1. Wean the binky
2. Teach him how to replug the binky and put heaps in the cot with him.

How does he go to sleep at naptime/bedtime? Is that independent?
When are you responding? Do you go in straight away? Do you know his mantra cry?

Offline Tommys Mommy

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Re: 8.5 mo still waking at night
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2012, 05:24:56 am »
I hate/love the binky!  I don't know if I can wean it.  It can be a really useful tool when needed, but this dependence makes me batty.

Teaching him how to put it in his hand when I'd normally put it in his mouth?  Any other suggestions?

He goes to sleep with his binky, his blanket and he rolls onto his side.  He's never asleep when I put him down and to be honest he's tired, but not terribly drowsy.  He's usually good at going from awake to asleep when he's put down at the right time.

I respond quickly because he does not self soothe.  He just doesn't do it.  Occasionally he'll cry out and when I'm halfway down the hall I sense he'll recover and he does, but that is fairly rare.  I do not know his mantra cry.  I don't let him cry for very long as his crying tends to escalate and never recover.  The other night, I let him cry a bit (just a few minutes at a time when I started getting really frustrated) and he was so worked up by the time I got in there...he does this little sob afterwards when I'm soothing him when that happens.  Generally, the faster I get in there to replug, the faster he just goes back to sleep, with less upset. 

Offline becj86

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Re: 8.5 mo still waking at night
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2012, 10:01:27 am »
If you're not certain about weaning it, don't - you've got to have some serious willpower to stick with sleep training when weaning.

Teaching him how to put it in his hand when I'd normally put it in his mouth?  Any other suggestions?
Yeah, basically that... let him play with it during the day and instead of replugging, put it in his hand and if necessary, guide his hand to his mouth initially.

Given your description of how he goes to sleep, once he can replug, I think he should be better able to settle himself when he wakes.

Offline Tommys Mommy

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Re: 8.5 mo still waking at night
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2012, 01:36:18 am »
Alright, will start playing with the binky more.  Will check back in a week or two!

Offline becj86

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Re: 8.5 mo still waking at night
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2012, 01:38:59 am »
Fingers crossed for you :)