Today was my first day back. DD was an angel for my mom so phew:)
I had a 4hr break between the last feed and getting home so as soon as I arrived I pumped because DD had gotten a bottle 30min earlier (drank 100ml).
To my dismay I only got 3oz!
If this is all I am producing it's no wonder DD feeds and then starts fussing at the breast, then gets hungry 2h later. I've been interpreting her fussing to mean she is done but now I'm not so sure.
AF came back a few days ago (just finished yesterday) - could it be that?
We've been on an EAESY because she now does 2.5h A and sleeps up to 2h, so she'd never make it that long without the top up before nap time.
I've also noticed a big drop in my BT feed (she now needs another 100ml EBM), then when I pump for the DF I also struggle to get 3oz and have to supplement with my freezer stash (total 150ml).
This started a few weeks back so it can't just be AF, can it?
The only feeds without fussing are the NF and morning feed, the rest of the day she will feed, fuss - I change sides, she feeds, fusses - change back again. This goes on a few times till she gets mad and wont go on again. Judging by the amount I just got from pumping, it looks like she is fussing because she is not getting as much as she wants.
This also would explain why, for the last few weeks, she has had her NF at 3am instead of 5am, like she used to. On the amount she gets from me during the day, she can't last that long.
Am I right in being worried or am I blowing this all out of proportion?
I'm so worried I'm starving her:(
Oatmeal for breakfast every day and 1 cup of lactation tea (will up that to 2 cups) - anything more I can do?