Author Topic: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old  (Read 2181 times)

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Offline MissChristina

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Hello all--

I need some advice on how to extend "E" eating times, but not the A.S. and Y. on the EASY schedule. My son will be 9 weeks old tomorrow. We just had a visit with his pediatrician yesterday who said that he should be eating 6oz every 4 hours. Right now, he's on the 3-hour EASY schedule, and is taking 5oz. He currently weighs 12.1 lbs.

I've only recently increased him to 5oz from 3.5-4oz, and he seems to be spitting up quite a bit, so I think it might be a tad too much for him. Also, he's formula fed now (he was on breast milk for the first 7 weeks), and I know formula is slower to digest, thus needs more time in between feedings.

I want to put him on the 4-hour EASY schedule, but he's not quite ready for the extended "A" times. I looked into the 3.5-hour EASY schedule, but the sample routines I saw on several posts on this site, the hours don't add up... I think there's a missing half hour time slot in there?

Anyway, can someone share their 3.5-hour EASY schedule? Or is there a better way to extend his eating times, but not the rest of the EASY schedule?

Also, does anyone know how much formula a 9-week old, 12 lb baby should take in a 24-hour period? On the 3-hour EASY schedule, with a dream feed, at 5oz each bottle, my son is taking about 27 to 30oz a day (give or take; sometimes he doesn't finish all). But he also wakes up once during the night for another feed, which puts him at getting up to 35oz a day... which I KNOW is way too much (even though he doesn't completely finish every single bottle...) This math doesn't look right! Any advice is appreciated!

Offline Lolly

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2012, 12:27:02 pm »
Honestly - I don't think that 35oz a day is way too much! There is a rough guide that says 2-2.5oz per lb of body weight in 24 hours but it is really variable, each baby is so different and can take different amounts every day. At 12lbs you are looking at at least 24-30oz in 24 hours, so 5oz more isn't that much! The 3hour routine is totally age appropriate and as they extend time between feeds they need to take more so if he is spitting up more with 5oz bottles I would stick with what you are doing for a few more weeks yet.

If he is not ready to extend A times I think your best course is to stick to the 3 hour EASY until he gets closer to 4 months and then look at moving to a 4 hour EASY.



Offline PixieD

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2012, 12:49:41 pm »
Hi, just reading this post your LO sounds like mine, I think some babies 'just' spit up? My HV told me to put less in my LOs bottles (he currently takes 8oz at a feed - big boy) but even if I only give him 4oz (for example) he'll still spit up. He's 17weeks now and we've been on a 3.5-4hr EASY for about a week or so, until they're capable of doing the 'A' on a 4hr I don't think you can do it? I agree with Lolly, 35oz a day (give or take a few oz left over here and there) seems fine for his weight..? Sounds like you're doing perfect!

Sorry to poke my nose in I just basically wanted to say about the spitting up... I did find my LO was sick more when I stopped BFing but then they get the fluid so much faster out of a bottle it didn't surprise me! Plus if your paediatrician said 6oz every 4hrs, 5oz every 3-3.5 works out about the same doesn't it? Inc. the NF?


Offline MissChristina

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2012, 18:38:08 pm »
Sorry to poke my nose in I just basically wanted to say about the spitting up...

Hi there! You're not poking your nose at all... I appreciate any feedback, and any advice from other moms, just to know whether my baby is doing things out of the ordinary, or if it's all as it should be. My baby is also spitting up more now that I've stopped BFing and switched fully to formula (however, I should add that I was BFing with a bottle... so I don't think the fast flow from a bottle has anything to do with the spitting... but I dunno...?)

Anyway, I'm going to stick to the 3-hour EASY, as Lolly suggested and see how it goes in a few more weeks. The last few days, he's vomited twice in 1 day, and have been spitting up consistently. It's been a mess, but I guess babies are babies! Thanks again for your input!

Offline MissChristina

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2012, 18:45:52 pm »
If he is not ready to extend A times I think your best course is to stick to the 3 hour EASY until he gets closer to 4 months and then look at moving to a 4 hour EASY.



Hi Laura! Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately, I think things got a little bit worse this weekend! He's been vomiting (twice in one day), and has been consistently spitting up after every bottle. But as you suggested, I'm going to stick to the 3-hour EASY for now because he hasn't been able to stay awake for more than 15 minutes after a feed! It's been E.S.A.E.S.E.S.A for the past few days.

I wouldn't be so concerned about the sleeping if the night-time schedule hasn't been disrupted. After finally being able to get him to sleep through the night without a feed (Dream Feed at 11 p.m., and sleeps through until 7 a.m.), the last 2 nights, he's been waking up at 3 a.m., and not going back to sleep. I tried the pacifier and picking him up for a few minutes to lull him back to sleep, but he would only calm for a few minutes before starting up again. Last night, I finally gave him a bottle to quiet him down.... but he only slept for another hour before waking up again! I'm thinking growth spurt?? Any ideas?

Offline PixieD

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2012, 18:56:31 pm »
Ugh the constant throwing up - its gross isn't it! I don't go anywhere near him unless I'm armed with a muslin, I don't get either of us dressed until we're literally walking out the door and if we're going to the 'in-laws' I double-bib until we get there haha! Xx

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2012, 02:27:10 am »
Hey there,

It could be a growth spurt, those often creep up on us ;) 

Any chance there's some reflux going on?

What does his whole day look like at this point?  Can you write it out with times like this?

E 7am
S 8:30
E 10am
S 11

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Offline MissChristina

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2012, 04:41:17 am »
Hey there,

It could be a growth spurt, those often creep up on us ;) 

Any chance there's some reflux going on?

What does his whole day look like at this point?  Can you write it out with times like this?

E 7am
S 8:30
E 10am
S 11

Hi Rachel:

Yes, I spoke to his pediatrician about reflux, but she doesn't think he's got it because he would be upset about lying down flat on his back if he had reflux. But today, he's vomited twice again after 2 different feedings. It's getting frustrating... and worrisome!! Is he getting enough food if he's throwing up all the time??

Anyway, this is what his day looks like:

E: 7 a.m. -- 5oz bottle
A: 7:30-8:15 a.m. -- light play and chit-chatting
S: 8:15-8:30 a.m. -- wind-down and nap
E: 10 or 10:15 a.m. -- 5oz bottle
A: 10:15 a.m.-11 a.m. -- light play, chit-chatting, a stroll around the block
E: 11:15 a.m. -- 1oz bottle of prune juice/water
S: 11:30 a.m. -- wind-down and nap
E: 1 p.m. -- 5oz bottle
A: 1:30-2 p.m. -- light play, tummy time, another walk
E: 2:15 p.m. -- 1oz bottle of prune juice/water
S: 2:30 p.m. -- wind-down and nap
E: 4 p.m. -- 5oz bottle
A: 4:30-5:30 p.m. -- light play, music time, tummy time
S: 5:30-7 p.m. -- wind-down and nap
E: 7 p.m. -- 5oz bottle
A: 7:30-8:30 p.m. -- bath time, lotion with massage, hair brushed, change into PJs, swaddled, bed-time
S: 8:30 p.m. -- lights out.
E: 11 p.m. -- dream feed, 5oz bottle

Last night, I gave in to his cries and gave him a bottle when he woke at 3 a.m. He took 3.5oz from a 5oz bottle.
When he woke up at 7 a.m., he had the biggest baby grin, and was calm in his crib -- not crying for food as he would normally do.

So... it seems logical that he should get more food during the day. However, with the constant vomiting, that tells me he's does NOT need more??

Offline Lolly

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2012, 20:01:42 pm »
He's taking a good amount of formula over the 24 hours. Does the bringing up feeds tie in with the prune/ juice water - I'm wondering if that's upsetting him? If he's a bit  constipated (I'm assuming that's the reason for the juice) plain water may be better :-\

Have you tried trhickening feeds at all?


Offline RachelC

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2012, 01:35:35 am »
Is he upset when he spits up?  Could he be a happy spitter?

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Offline MissChristina

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2012, 01:46:02 am »
He's taking a good amount of formula over the 24 hours. Does the bringing up feeds tie in with the prune/ juice water - I'm wondering if that's upsetting him? If he's a bit  constipated (I'm assuming that's the reason for the juice) plain water may be better :-\

Have you tried trhickening feeds at all?


On the recommendation of his pediatrician, I started the prune juice a week after I upped his feed to 5oz. And yes, it is because he's constipated. I'm not sure if it's upsetting him... but the very first time he took prune juice, he vomited all over the floor. That was the most vomit I've seen from him, which freaked me out, so I called his pediatrician right away. She told me over the phone that the vomiting had nothing to do with the prune juice. *shrug* But I'm beginning to suspect if she could be wrong??

I've tried plain water, and he's less enthusiastic about it... but I can give it another shot and see? He's still fairly constipated..

Lastly... no, I have no tried to thicken his feeds. I thought he's too young for that? Plus, with his constipation and spitting up, I'm thinking that's a bad idea...... no?

Offline MissChristina

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2012, 01:49:02 am »
Is he upset when he spits up?  Could he be a happy spitter?

Funny you should ask.... I Googled it today... and he is indeed a happy spitter. He's not upset at all when he spits up/vomits. He doesn't cry, or have any reactions -- he just blinks at us. My partner and I are the only ones running around, freaked out, trying to catch his vomit before it hits the carpet, lol.

Any advice on how I can minimize his spitting up?

Offline Lolly

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Re: Trying to Extend "E" Times But Not "A.S.Y." For a 9 Week Old
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2012, 07:24:18 am »
If he is not bothered by the spitting up and he is gaining weight as expected then it's nothing to worry about, it's *just* a laundry problem ;). The only time you need to "do" anything is if he is in pain or distress and if he isn't gaining weight or loosing weight. Get an oz of liquid and spill it  - it always looks an awful lot more than it actually is!

You can help by keeping him more upright when he feeds and keeping him upright for about 20 mins or so after feeds. For the constipation, a trick one of my health care providers suggested is to put a bit of extra water in his bottles. When you make it up, if you are making a 4oz bottle for example you fill the bottle to just over the 4oz mark and then add the 4oz worth of powder. That way they get a little extra water with each feed and it's mor regular through the day, but only a small amount as they should only be having an extra oz or 2 of cooled bolied water in 24 hours if you are giving water. If you are using ready to feed formula you can add a small amount of water to it. Obviously check with your Dr first though!

With the thickening it is ok from birth providing you are using a specialist formula or a non-food thickener (NOT rice cereal!). My DD started on Enfamil AR for her reflux when she was 9 weeks and had no problems with it. Thickening feeds helps the spitting up as the formula stays in their tummies better, but again, if he's not bothered then it's not necessary.
