Today has looked like this...
E - 7am
A - nappy change, played in bed
S - 8.30 - 9.30
E - 9.30
A - wash & dressed, played on mat
S - 10.40-11.40, woke crying and after half an hour of shush/pat slept again 12-12.30
E -12.30
A - Went to friends in car, sat on my lap there
S - 2.30 - 3.15
A - played on playmat
E - 4.45
A - nappy change
Tried catnap but only drifting off then waking up
E - 6
S - 8 (needed 2hr shush/pat to get to sleep, crying lots)
It's a bit all over the place! Find I get thrown off by the short naps.
He takes ages to get to sleep - is this likely to be due to OT?