Author Topic: Teething and naps?  (Read 630 times)

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Offline rachsk8

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Teething and naps?
« on: August 12, 2012, 00:14:28 am »
Hi there

Just wondered if it's ok to tweak EASY a little when LO is teething?  I am having no luck getting him down for naps, and teething is making it so much harder as I am trying to work out what his A time should be (we were getting somewhere, then teething kicked in again!) but he is now really fighting his nap and I don't know if it's pain, UT or OT!  He was grizzling and rubbing eyes madly, pulling ear at about 3hrs A time this morning.  I debated whether to put him down but decided I'd keep him to his "usual" 4hrs, and he just wouldn't go down.  I ended up feeding to sleep, and then transferring him to bed, but he woke after about 30mins........

Do I just throw everything out the window during teething, or try and keep consistency with our usual EASY?  I have been doing a lot of car rides lately to get a decent sleep out of my poor wee man!  (We are in winter over here, so walking in stroller isn't really an option most days!)

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Offline amayzie

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Re: Teething and naps?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 00:22:57 am »
When things like teething and illness strike you need to find a balance. You may need to do just as you're doing and do some car naps and some APOP to get some sleep into him, but you want to be careful not to create habits out of it that you will have to get rid of later. Either that- or accept that you may need to do some work getting back on track later (which is fine- no judgement there at all- there's been a few nights in the middle of an illness or something that i've been thinking to myself 'hmm- well this is a night feed i'm going to have to drop later ::) ) . One of the suggestions is to give him the least support needed- so rather than bringing him into bed with you say, you come to him. I'd usually try to keep the EASY as much as possible- but he may be more tired with the naps busted, so follow his cues a little more.

I always find too that when you are certain it's teething that medicating them with nurofen or advil is the only way to get them to sleep and to stay asleep.
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!