Alexandra was uprooted and packed off the grandma's house after a plumbing disaster meant that there was sewer gas in our house... we were out for 12 days and the poor kid did.not.sleep. She was in the same room as me which isn't normally an issue - but she whimpered and cried out every hour the whole 12 days we were gone... she was in the playpen and it's pretty clear that her last growth spurt has made her a touch too tall for it
The day before we came back home, she was up at 440am. Napped 1040-1110am in the car and then was up playing with her wild cousins until 730pm at the IL's house. OMG. So OT that she had no idea which way was up! Out like a light after a quick bath at 750pm. My FIL was up for work at 315am and left the house at 415am... he woke her up
She cried out a few times while he was getting ready for work, then did the full out cry at 420am. Awesome. Managed to get her back to sleep in bed with us at 510, she woke at 610am.
We started the 10 hr drive home at 710am and she passed out in the car at 745am! Woke at 815am (nice classic OT sleep!). Slept in the car again from 1110 - 1225pm with a 5 min wake at the 45 min mark... in bed at 7pm... up for the day at 5am. Gross. Napped 11-2pm. Bedtime 730pm and up at 530am again... ick. Napped 1215 - 240pm, screamed for BT at 625pm after less than 4 hrs A time! Out for the night at 655pm and slept until 6am today!
Funny how they are soooo OT that they just will not sleep longer at night so you have to do longer naps... then whammo! They go from so OT that they can't sleep, to being moderately OT and wanting to go to bed right now LOL! Bless her little heart. Much happier baby today