I've seen posted on here that if LO wakes early into the night, say after 1-2 hours, it is usually an indication LO is OT?
Am I correct?
If that is the case, does anyone have any idea why my LO will fall asleep at BT and sleep for anywhere between 5-6 hours before NW?
DS will fall asleep at 6:35-7:15 and sleep until midnight or 1:00am or thereabouts and then wake up...Sometimes takes an hour to get him back to sleep...He's not crying or fussing, just seems he's tying to get comfortable - moving around a lot in crib and eventually gets frustrated and I end up having to sooth him...
Usually another NW at 4ish then up for day anywhere between 6-6:30...
Forgive me as i know I've posted about this before but I'm so confused and looking for what might be the cause...
Thank you so much...