Dear Members,
My BF baby started taking bottles of EBM when she was 1 month old in preparation for my return to work when she was 11 weeks. By this ime bottle feeds in the day were well established and unproblematic. I recently had some holidays with her and we travelled around a lot and as a result she went back to breast feeds in the day. She is 6 months this weekend and I went back to work this week after the holiday and she has flatly refused bottle of EBM. We have tried sippy cup, spoons etc but with no joy for the last 3 days.
Day 1 she didn't feed for 8 hours and then I BF her when home and through evening, night.
Day 2 she didn't feed 10 hours and then when I hit home I BF her
Day 3 she didn't feed 9 hours and then I BF her when home
She isn't crying ir upset - unless bottle or whatever goes near her. I live in a hot country and I am terrified she will dehydrate. We are doing baby led weaning which is going well and I do not want to do puréed and hide BM in her food. What are my options and am I right to be so worried or will she really take the bottle when hungry enough - I thought 10 hours was pretty amazing resolve on her part!
PHas anyone been through such extended periods of bottle strikes and got through it?