Hope you ladies may be able to help me, my 2 year old twin sons share a room so sleep training has always posed a problem! We are getting desperate though as one wakes regularly throughout the night and the other wakes at 5am. The one who wakes early has always been an early riser although eg 6/6.15 which is ok with me. When he is teething he wakes around 5am. His 2 year molars are coming through and I thought I would just wait it out and see it as temporary but since they can take months and we're fed up after a week I thought I would try something and stick with it.
My other son cries up to 5/6 times a night but is quickly comforted by a quick ssh and pat. Problem is i could be doing this 10 minutes later again. The early waker hates being in his cot (or restricted in any way), he wants out and screams as soon as he wakes. This sometimes wakes his brother, sometimes not but i think they both sense my fear of them doing so and this has contributed. His Early waking also seems to be linked to desperately wanting milk, perhaps learnt behaviour from the reflux both suffered in their first year (10 weeks prem).
My problem is I can't find a technique I'm comfortable with, I've tried leaving them to cry, I've tried putting them in our beds, training clocks, shortening nap, changing bed times, feeding times, you name it. I don't want to feel guilty that I'm not listening to their needs nor do I want to feel controlled by my children. I want to do the right thing. I'm tired and can't figure out what that is.
Perhaps w2s and some playing in their cot/bedrooms to get some positive associations?
Any advice welcome, thank you