Hi all,
I'm a FTM and this is my first time posting, although I've been following EASY since my DS was 2 months old. He was colicky, so we had a bit of a rough start. This forum has been such a huge help to me. I've often been able to solve our issues just by reading others' posts.
The past two days my DS has completely fought his 2nd nap of the day. He's in transition from 3-2 naps, although I'd say most days now it's just two naps and won't take his third catnap. (Plus, there usually isn't time to fit it in and have a reasonable bedtime.)
I do our nap time routine, put him in his crib and he plays for about 20-30 min (rolling around back and forth, etc.), then he starts crying and won't settle. When he starts crying, I try to rub his back (never liked the "pat) and sing (he stopped liking the shushing at 5 months) and he will cry for the rest of the hour. So I just got him up and tried for an early bedtime. Yesterday I APOP just to get a 30 min catnap so he could make it to bedtime.
His wake time before his 1st nap is 3 hours (almost on the dot), and his wake time before the 2nd nap is also 3 hours. Not sure if he is OT or UT for the 2nd nap?
Here's his EASY routine (His wake-up time varies a bit in the morning, but I always wait to nurse him until 7 so he has some consistency.):
6-6:30 am: Wake up
7 am: Nurse
7:45 am: Solids (he just started solids at 6 months and was EBF until then)
9-9:30 a.m.: Nap (typically 1.5 hours)
11 am: Nurse
11:45: Solids (we're just establishing solids, so sometimes he's interested and sometimes not. I don't push it)
1:30-2 pm: Nap (really varies, but usually 1 hr to 1hr 15 min. I've had as short as 30 min and as long as 2 hrs here)
3 pm: Nurse
6:30/6:45 pm: Bottle (EBM)
7:00/7:30 pm: Bedtime (depending on how long it takes him to do down)
Any thoughts on what might be going on? He was teething but his bottom two teeth broke through before this. He can roll over both ways, but isn't crawling yet. I'd love any insight as to what's going on with my little guy! Just when you think you have them figured out!
*Update* It happened again with today's second nap -- three days in a row now. I APOP'd so he'd at least get some sleep, which he did for 30 minutes.