I know DS1 must have gone through this, but I just don't remember! Warning: This is going to be a ramble, I haven't slept and can barely make sense of anything.
DS2 is 6 mo. He is over 22 lbs. Breast fed with 2-3 oz of solids at dinner. He rolls well from back to front, but not so much from front to back. 3 days ago, he started getting up on his knees and rocking.
Here is the problem: last night (and for the past 3 nights), he has been having excessive NWs because of rolling and getting up on his knees. Last night he had 8 NW in a 12 hr stretch. When I go in, he is on his hands and knees, and seems stuck! I turn him over, but he just rolls right back to his belly. I have tried leaving him on his belly for a couple minutes, but he just gets hysterical. Has always been a back sleeper. so I have been APOP- nursing him for a few minutes to relax him and putting him back to bed (part of this is that I am sick, so I have wanted to get back to bed). What should I be doing here? Last night I tried at his first NW to just turn him over and walk out... but that lasted 1 h 15 min before I broke down and nursed. I am shattered and have no idea how to handle this one.