Hoping for some insight.
My son just turned one and had his one year immunizations two days ago. These included measles and chicken pox, both of which he has not had before. He was fine the first day and night, and I have him ibuprofen just the first night as a precaution before bed because the doctor said he may have body aches and a fever. He slept fine all night like normal and his naps yesterday were normal and regular. He's still on two one hour naps, and does about 11 hrs 15min at night without ever waking.
I've been posting on another board about the 2:1 transition a couple of weeks ago because he seemed to be going in that direction. However, since he's been walking big time he's been taking his two naps with mostly no problem (took 30min a couple of times to fall asleep for second nap, but really needs 4hrs of A time before that one) and zero issues with BT.
Sorry for all of that background. Anyway, last night he was up from midnight until 3am. He stood up crying hard at 12am and I went in. He does this so rarely. I picked him up and calmed him, kept lights off and put him back down. He resisted and kept popping back up crying. I kept him in the crib and rubbed his back and told him mommy was there. He calmed after 20min. I was worried so I just watched him on the monitor and he stayed wide awake but calm for over an hour. Then 2-3more episodes of crying hard. I went in and gave him water once and ibuprofen in case he was sore from the shots (no fever). He just kept popping up and didn't want me to leave. I was scared thinking he was having a weird reaction to the shots or something so I just watched him on the monitor. He finally fell asleep around 3am and slept until 7am (tad bit later than usual, but not much).
He's fine this morning. Ate well for breakfast and is happy. He doesn't seem tired at all even though he only got 8hrs of sleep as opposed to his normal 11.
Should I just chalk it up to having to do with the shots? Does this seem like more indication that he needs to go to one nap?
This has never happened with him before so I'm at a loss. He's been a happy independent sleeper since he was 4months old.
Thank you for any insights.