Thanks ladies, and thanks for the link Happy
This might sound a bit strange but I've just never done it before. For playing on equipment like slides and climbing frames, do you still let them do it when it's wet, is it safe? I mean ok obviously it's more slippery but if they are ok on it when it's dry can they handle it when wet?
And what about hands, do you leave them bare so they can grip well or put gloves on??
I sound so dim but I suppose it's just one of those things I've never been in this situation before.
I think I might need to get a rain suit for myself. I've got a ski suit I wonder if that would be ok to save on ££s
Brrr...I really don't look forward to this. I need to change my mind set about it because I want to enjoy playing with DS out in the wind/cold/rain, I just hate bad weather! (although I'm the first out there if it snows, huge snow men lined the length of the town a couple of years back when DP and I got the snow bug)