Hi, I'm looking for some suggestions to help break my LO of his night time feeding and waking habit. He is a super easy going baby for the most part but he is the WORST night sleeper and has been from the beginning. He has always "needed" night feedings and I have been able to cut it to once at night, but he is still waking up at least two other times. He goes down really well easily for his nap and bedtime. This is his normal routine:
Wakes 7am ish (anywhere between 630 and 730)
Nap 12-230 (his nap is sometime messed up when he falls asleep on our way to pick up my oldest from preschool, but he'll normally take a second catnap if he falls asleep early)
Bedtime wind down - 7
Sleep 745
wakes 12am - soother and lay him back down
3 am - feed
5 am - soother and lay him back down (sometimes a feed if I`m really tired and I need more sleep)
wakes between 630 and 730 ( normally 730 if I give him a feed and the 5am waking)
Not sure what to do to break the night wakings. For naps and bedtime I just put him down give him his soother and he falls to sleep on his own. He doesn't need any soothing at the wakings just needs to be laid back down. Anytime I try and take away the feed he just wakes up almost every hour to 30min until he gets a feed. Would really love a full nights sleep. I think he's only slept right through a couple of times since he was born so I am really getting tired! Any suggestions??