Thanks for getting back to me. She def wont have bottle with or after breakfast
and she has really high a times almost upto 4 hours which makes nap2 around 4-4.3 usually which is why I give 4oz and tea t 5/5.15 and BT bottle at 7.15. All her feeds are clustered together via she only has milk feeds before naps or she won't drink so I'm at a bit off a loss! E.g usual easy
Wu 7
E 8am 4 oz really struggle with this feed
Breakfast 9
E 10.30 4oz
S 10.45-12.45 max
Lunch 1
E 4.15 4oz
S 4.30-5.15 max
Tea 5.15
BT 7.15 8oz
BT 8
She's happy enough to eat solids upon waking but not milk! It was working ok for us but lately she's refusing first bottle and I think it's cos she full from day before but even if I decrease solid overall milk intake won't go up iykwim? Hope that makes sense! xx