First of all I have to say THANK YOU! Your tips are working already.
- we know when she is tired and we start to put her down
- we try not to overstimulate her
- she falls asleep easier
- I think breastfeeding her to sleep was only temporary because she was overtired. Now I can do it without BF so we are getting back on track - 3 hr.
I'm sorry I have so many questions. I really don't have the time to search the forum and anyway my "search" here doesn't work...
But as we say in Slovenia: "Beseda ni konj." (A word is not a horse
so it doesn't hurt to ask.
- If she is up 1,5 hours and she needs to be fed every 3 hours, than how is she supposed to sleep longer than 1,5 hours? I mean she does sometimes but every time...
- I cannot carry her all day because my arms or my behind will fall off! So I am starting to put her on my bed and lay with her. But that way she sleeps only 1/2 - 1 hour! So how do I solve this with BF and all that? Is it bad that she has more short naps during the day? (she woke up today 7.30 but her sleep at 9 was only 1/2 hours and then I couldn't put her back down. She was happy
But then she was sleepy after 1 hour.
- I really don't know how to prolong her naps if she is not in my arms... Does she need time to get over it? Or is maybe something wrong that she has such a light sleep? (she moves all the time, farts, opens her eyes...)
- At night she wakes up every 2 hours now! And I BF her... I think maybe she has some digestive problems because she moans and farts a lot...
- If gym time is only 10 mins - what do you do with your baby the rest of the time? Have her in your arms and talk to her for 1 hour?
OK, I hope I'm not annoying with all this! I appreciate your time!