Well, we are ending week 2 of daycare and pretty much all this week I have had feed her before she goes (thanks to daylight savings change). Today she didn't wake until about 15 mintues before time to leave so I sent the bottle.
I have decided that I will just let her wake on her own versus waking her in time to eat. If she wakes in time to have some A time and then eat I will feed her, if not then I will them feed her at school and she can have her A time on the way and while they are getting ready.
The good news is I have noticed she has made major jump in her eating this week, so I feel better about it. However, she is pretty consistent about having at least one bad bottle a day (meaning not eating much). Yesterday, before she left for school she at an 7 oz. bottle at school only at 4 oz. but at the next bottle at school at 7 oz and then at home had 6 oz.
She is 14 weeks, so no solids yet. But, I think she is going to like the solids once we get there!
Thanks for your suggestion it at least makes me feel we are heading in the right direction!