So my 3.5 yo is waking me up more than my 10 wo!! It's driving me crazy. He comes into our room at least 2-3 times per night asking us for silly things - like a tissue, or to put the covers back on him or to find one of his stuffed animals. He does this for several nights at a stretch very frequently. It's not every single night, but he'll do it maybe 4 nights in a row 2 or 3 times a month. Just enough to exhaust and completely frustrate me, especially since my 10 wo DD is also waking up at night. We've tried sticker charts, talking to him about it and explaining how tired it makes us, being nice, being stern, taking things away, giving him rewards, etc. He's been in his own bed now for at least 6 months and he was doing before his sister was born, so it's not that. Any ideas??