So, we had short nap issues until we elongated my LO A time. But now we are having early wakings... today it was 5am!
He is a super happy guy most of the time. just finished teething his upper teeth. eating solids for over 4 months.
His nap time a day is 3-3.5 hours, his nighttime sleep has only been like 9.5-10.5 hours. He used to wake early and go back to sleep, but he has not been doing that for the last week, maybe since time change... What to do??
day 1-
6am wake (woke at 4am, awake for 45 minutes, then asleep)
6:30- bottle
10:40 bottle
10:50-12:50 nap (woke him)
3:25 bottle
4:10-5:30 nap
7pm bottle
7:30pm bed
day 2-
5:30 wake
6:30 bottle
10:40 nap-12:20pm
12:25- bottle
3:30-6pm nap
7pm- bottle
7:30pm bed
day 3-
woke at 5:15, awake for 30 minutes, back to sleep until 6:30am
6:45- bottle
11-12:20 nap
12:30- bottle
4:10-6pm nap (woke him)
7pm bottle
7:30pm bed
Today- woke at 5am and did not go back to sleep, got him up at 6:15 and fed him.
He is usually just talking and calm when he is awake in bed in the am... We have like 4-5 hour A times as he does do a long nap usually, but wonder if that is too long- scared to shorten it and make his naps shorter... Maybe only one nap?
Any ideas?