My DD is 4 and we finally ditched the dummy about a month ago! I had a thread about it, but not sure how to link it for you.
I really stressed about it for a long time - thought it was messing up her teeth, she was too big for it, etc etc. But in the end, I am really happy about how we went about it. It was really positive for everyone.
We did it very gradually over many months. 1st limiting it to just in her bed (so for sleep or if she 'visited' her bed during the day). Then exclusively for sleep, etc.
We told stories about the paci fairy for months. But also all kinds of stories about big kids who gave up their pacis - some who did it easily, some who really missed their pacis, some who were really happy a baby could have their pacis, etc.
Finally, DD decided she was ready! By then, she was down to 2 disgusting pacis.
I let her give them to the paci fairy one at a time, bc I really wanted to make sure that when they were gone, it was forever. She was really proud of herself to give them up, and really, it happened easily, with no tears or sleepless nights.
Keeping the pacis for so long isn't for everyone, but wanted to share our story in case it helps!