Hi Kara,
Thanks for your post. Great to find someone who's used set naps.
Got a few questions for you please. It's so hard to think that my LO is generally OT. He's happy most of the time. The only times he shows being OT is sometimes when I can't get him to CN....hmmm...and everytime he gives me a 40 min happy nap we increase the A and get a good nap. Tomorrow we have DS1's nativity play in the morning so even if I decide to cut the A as much as suggested I can't tomorrow. At least it gives me a little more time to think. It would be a drastic change for us and I feel like we've been so careful with these A increases.
A few things then...
As for capping naps - I am totally against it before 8/10 months for a LSN kid
I was suggesting cutting his first nap if it was a set nap to try and get an appropriate A and fit in a good second nap. If I let him sleep longer I would not be left with enough A for a good nap and could only maybe get a CN in there...but maybe one big nap as long as he wants and a CN would be preferable?? I have also had to cut naps before to work further naps around those tricky old school runs.
I wouldn't wake in the AM now either.. if he needs to catch up, this is critical to getting him there. Night sleep is far superior compared with nap sleep in terms of restorative quality.
Let him wake on his own and see when he gets up...
Does starting the day at the same time not help 'set his biological clock' to help with set naps? Did you not do this with your set naps? I remember always waking DS1 at 7.00 (as Tracy recommended I think). Also would definitely make my mornings more challenging. At the moment I feed him before getting DS1 up for school. I find if DS1 is around, DS2 doesn't feed very well - gets distracted. I suppose I could potentially let DS2 sleep in if necessary over the Christmas break if it's a temporary measure.
I do wonder if you have just missed his sleep window while increasing his first A time and he is getting a second wind to get through that massive A time...
You are making me question this. I know his A is insane but feel like we have been very careful with the increases...and he goes down happily. If we are missing his window wouldn't he be crazy cranky/OT when he went down and if he woke up early from his nap?
I am kind of thinking though that even though I'm really not sure that dropping his A so much will work for him maybe it's just worth a try. We will at least get through the day because at least I know what his second A tends to be to try and get a good second nap if it goes wrong for the first. What I'm nervous about though is if dropping his A so much does just result in 40 min UT naps it will take lots of incremental increases to get back to where we are.