Aargh, things were going so well the last few weeks - our 15mo was finally on 1 nap, sleeping 2 hours and waking about 6. Perfect, and then I was bedridden with stomach flu last weekend and DH took him to in-laws where he started giving him a 20min CN and putting him down 2 hours later (which is what we were doing a month ago when DS was hideously OT). Since then he's started short napping and waking at 4.30 totally ready for his day! I just don't know if he's seriously OT or UT or how to get out of this mess! Here is our easy the last few days
Wednesday (at my mum's while I worked)
Sleep 10.30
Awake 12.00
Bed 5.45
Awake 4.30 and wouldn't resettle - got him up at 5
CN 9.10-9.30
Bed 11.20 - took ages to settle which he doesn't normally, and finally asleep at 11.45
Awake 12.55 (crying)
Bed 6pm (cried for a couple of minutes, which again he doesn't usually do)
Thus morning was the same as yesterday but I gave him a CN earlier between 8.55 and 9.15. Put him down at 11.40 and he finally fell asleep at 12.05.
OT, UT? I originally thought OT yesterday but am wondering if he was UT which is why I put him down later today. I just don't know how to get back on routine and help him to get to bed later!
Any ideas would be appreciated! Thanks so much