My ds will be 6 weeks on Tuesday and we are having some issues overall.
The main one is he has reflux and spits up ALOT!! So that being said, he doesn't always make it a full 3 hours from E to E. it's more like 2.5 hrs the past few days. I also ebf, but have had mastitis, clogged ducts, and overall lots of discomfort, so I'm supplementing with formula and planning to switch to formula. He downs bottles...he's a hungry boy!! And I question if he's getting enough breast milk...although he is gaining lots of weight...almost 11lbs and was born 7lb15oz.
He loves his pacifier and its the quickest way to soothe him, especially when he's sleepy. If I give it to him he goes right down. However, if the pacifier pops out in an early stage of sleep he immediately wakes up and screams! I'm beginning to think its a prop and its causing more harm then good.
As for his EASY he wakes around 7 or 8. He goes down pretty easily for his first nap (pending he falls asleep w out the pacifier or he doesn't realize it falling out). This nap ranges from 1 hr to 2 hrs. 2nd nap is usually in carseat or carrier when we run errands and is about 1-2 hours also. 3rd nap is usually short and in my arms, and catnap is just a hot mess bc from 5ish on he is overall awnry. After we put his brother to sleep, we do bath, pjs/lotion, swaddle, sing, eat, rock, sleep by 7/730. I try to dream feed but he's comatose and either takes nothing or very little. He would go 5 hours, but now is back to waking 3-3.5 hours after his bedtime to eat. I'll go in and feed him w minimal distractions and I put him down right after. Usually within 10 minutes he wakes and cries so I have to go resettle him. Usually he will go back to sleep until about 230, and he then is up constantly, probably every 1.5 hrs until he wakes for the day. Last night I brought him in our bed for the simple reason he will sleep if with me and bc I am just so tired!!!
Is it ok to have him nap in my sling/Bjorn for the two naps that aren't so good? Any ideas how to remedy any of this? Thanks so much!!