Hi Hun,
Can you tell me has he ever been an Independent Sleeper and able to self settle, or has he been fed to sleep
My DS is Spirited so I know how it can be
. I have done GW with him several times to get him back on track through various developmental leaps. My advise to you would be to start by sitting by the cot, presuming he is still in a cot After you have done your usual BT routine, sit quietly and use your sleepy phrase, but not too often as it can be stimulating. Sit sideways as no doubt he will have a whole host of tricks up his sleeve, and if you are not looking at him, he will have less chance of entertaining you
. If he is standing and crying then you could try laying him down (the PD part of PU/PD) if h standing but not crying then leave him to it. You will probably find after a couple of nights he will dive down by himself before you can do it for him LOL, this is what DS and other LO's have done.
The BF prop IMHO should be broken at the same time. When DS was 10 months old I got into a habit of feeding him to sleep during bad teething pain and it resulted in around 8 NW a night
even after teething was over (for a while
) I used GW/PD to teach him IS again It can be helpful if his Daddy is able to do the first few nights, so that he knows feeding is not going to happen anymore, sometimes it's a little kinder and quicker but if that isn't possible, don't worry he will catch on quick, Spirited LO's are very smart
. They do however more than any others, I have found, need very clear boundaries with everything, but if they get that they respond very well. So at first you will stay until he is asleep. For any NW and also naps, you need to do the same thing, that way he will get the message quickly. I recommend you start with his naps.
Has he got a good routine
Is he on 1 or 2 naps
I'm here to hold your hand and take you through it if you would like me too
and answer any questions as we go along. He can do this and so can you!