Author Topic: To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?  (Read 1554 times)

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To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?
« on: December 28, 2012, 00:51:57 am »
Long story short,  due to an underactive milk supply and above-average weight loss,  I was sent home with strict instructions  from my lactation consultant to feed the baby evrry 3 hours (or less if needed) to make sure my milk kicked itself into gear. So I did,  religiously for about 3weeks (as directed)  and then just woke up every 3 hours during the dayand let baby wake herself up at night.

DD is 6wks now anfd my LC just raked me over the coals because I'm still waking the baby every 3 hours to feed her. She tells me mother-led feeding will kill my milk supply because baby may not be ready to eat. Wait for the hungrr cues,  she tells me. Okay,  no problem. But I've done that unintentionally twice now and it wsd 4-41/2 hours before I got any sort of hungrr cue from DD.

So my question is this.. EASY recommends a 3 hour cycle, waking baby up after 3 hours to feed ger (unless of course she's hungry earlier, in which csse you'd go ahead and feed her and readjust the "schedule". And I feel tbat's what I've bern doing. BUT... I've also read here in the forums and elsewhere,  the same words from my LC. Do not "schedule". Do not feed unless the cues are present AND they match up with the clock. Well.. my LO rarely shows a hunger cue,  so what am I supposed to do?

TOTALLY CONFUSED by the fine line between "feed no less than evety 2-1/2 to 3 hours" and "do not schedule your baby!" What's the difference?

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Re: To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2012, 08:02:58 am »
I was in the same boat at the beginning, also had to make sure DD was fed every 3h because of inadequate weight gain, then they upped it to every 2h during the day! But if I remember correctly, I only had to do it for weeks 2 and 3 till her weight was on track.

My LO also didn't have obvious hunger cues (not counting a GS when she hung on the boob all day and night) but I figured if I offered after she woke and she fed, then could go at least 2-3h without feeding or crying, it meant she must have been hungry. Also if LO has fed, stopped on her own, refused side two (or emptied that too) and you feel like your breast is less full then she must have had enough.
I don't really get how feeding too often can hurt your milk production?? Esp since you've been feeding every 3h? But then I'm not an expert and I'm sure the ladies here will have more info for you on that.
maybe your LC meant that you create a snacker but then again, how is feeding every 3h at 6 weeks snacking? Your supply will adjust to whatever the baby needs but if you are worried about it just pump directly after feeding and freeze whatever you get.
I hope the BW don't shoot me;) but imo the first 3 months you have time to get to know your LO and her needs so just forget EASY for now, only try not to feed to sleep. That gets you a EAS pattern that you can use later when you are implementing a routine.
I guess the theory behind making sure that LO gets fed every 3h during the day is so they fill up on calories during the day and can sleep longer at night.
Personally I'd leave LO to eat/sleep whenever she wants at this stage but if you notice problems appearing like she starts waking more often at night (not counting a GS) because of too much day sleep and not enough feeding or her weight starts falling then you can start playing around with her daytime sleep lengths and/or feeding more often during the day.

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Re: To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2012, 08:23:55 am »
You poor thing - as if becoming a new Mum isn't hard enough, without being told you're doing it "wrong"!  My personal experience was that I woke LO during the day to feed 3 hourly and let her go as long as she wanted/could overnight and it worked beautifully.  I did this based on my interpretation of the BW book!  When we first got home from hospital I was totally overwhelmed and needed a "plan" and that ended up being our plan - feed (approx) 3hrly during the day, follow E-A-S sequence, and try to put down for a sleep while she was still (at least partially) awake.  We never had issues with weight gain though - but I really can't see how leaving her to go longer between feeds will help with weight gain?? 

Really it comes down to whether you are following a parent directed or a baby lead routine.  Parent directed worked for us and I would do it that way again, but each to their own.  I could never tell a hungry cry from any other type of cry, so I really didn't feel I could just follow DD's cues - and I think she adjusted to this routine and was naturally ready to eat at her regular feed time.  There is no right or wrong.  All the best and enjoy this time with your new bundle of joy!

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Re: To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2012, 10:02:52 am »
I could never tell a hungry cry from any other type of cry, so I really didn't feel I could just follow DD's cues - and I think she adjusted to this routine and was naturally ready to eat at her regular feed time. 

lol same here;) She had one cry for everything, no rooting or any of that stuff that's supposed to tell you a baby is hungry. No tired cues either till she was 5mo!

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Re: To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2012, 20:08:49 pm »
Obviously I don't want to contradict your LC, but what sort of qualifications does she have?  Is she IBCLC or just someone who has called themself an LC without qualification (they are out there, sadly)?

Most BF specialists would tell you that cue feeding is important, but also that in the early days, feeding often is important for supply.  Most 6wo babies will feed around 2.5 - 3 hourly anyway, but you may find that if you let her wake on her own for a few feeds that she will start to get the sensation of being hungry, which is maybe what the LC is referring to, albeit not terribly kindly, by the sound of it
*** Amanda ***

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Re: To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2012, 02:30:31 am »
I always fed every 3 hours during the day, as if I didn't they'd wake more often at night for feeds. 


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Re: To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2013, 05:44:38 am »
Update:  I figured I'd give my LC's advice a shot. (Yes, she's certified. But I've found that one certified LC's opinion can differ greatly from another's!)  Anyhoo... for two days I've gone by cues only and my now 7wk old is going 3-1/2 to 4 hours between feeds. I plan to follow up with our pediatrician for weight checks and the whole bit, but isn't 7wks a little early to be going that long in between feedings? Should I switch back to the parent-directed feeding for now? Any thoughts?

Offline eva026

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Re: To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2013, 07:10:36 am »
I'd check 3 things, number of wet nappies, weight gain and your nights. If all those are ok then you are doing fine.

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Re: To schedule or not to schedule... can someone please clarify?
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2013, 14:45:13 pm »
You may find she's happy for now, but that things will change in another week or so when growth spurts start to kick in.  It could be that you have a plentiful supply and she's filling up for now.  But also agree with PP, particularly the first two points.
*** Amanda ***