Long story short, due to an underactive milk supply and above-average weight loss, I was sent home with strict instructions from my lactation consultant to feed the baby evrry 3 hours (or less if needed) to make sure my milk kicked itself into gear. So I did, religiously for about 3weeks (as directed) and then just woke up every 3 hours during the dayand let baby wake herself up at night.
DD is 6wks now anfd my LC just raked me over the coals because I'm still waking the baby every 3 hours to feed her. She tells me mother-led feeding will kill my milk supply because baby may not be ready to eat. Wait for the hungrr cues, she tells me. Okay, no problem. But I've done that unintentionally twice now and it wsd 4-41/2 hours before I got any sort of hungrr cue from DD.
So my question is this.. EASY recommends a 3 hour cycle, waking baby up after 3 hours to feed ger (unless of course she's hungry earlier, in which csse you'd go ahead and feed her and readjust the "schedule". And I feel tbat's what I've bern doing. BUT... I've also read here in the forums and elsewhere, the same words from my LC. Do not "schedule". Do not feed unless the cues are present AND they match up with the clock. Well.. my LO rarely shows a hunger cue, so what am I supposed to do?
TOTALLY CONFUSED by the fine line between "feed no less than evety 2-1/2 to 3 hours" and "do not schedule your baby!" What's the difference?