Ok update is: tried getting them to try a special 'extra satisfying' feed - 1 refused as didn't like vari flow test. 2 tried it then gagged and was nearly sick due to extra flow, maybe I could try in a beaker but they are not taking to te speed of flow very well. Might have to park that idea. I tried extra milk in the day too and they had some after their solids so will give it another go today.
Z was fed TWICE last night, and at best slept for 2 hours. S was better I think after his A time was3.5 hours and resettled himself once which I am very proud of
he had one feed which I'm not sure he really wanted and both were not hungry fr their breakfast.
I might start moving S onto the next stage now and try settling him in his bed almost asleep and see how that goes. With Z I am at a loss DH declared this shush shush thing a failure last night so I'm not sure how hard he is trying to make it work but once gain no suggestions for a plan B were mentioned after the 4am moan fest! I think I'll just have to try with Z and see if I have any more luck resettling him.
Is there a growth spurt around 9 months that could be causing Z's hunger do you know?
They are also both waking up when they have turned onto their tummies or for S sitting up too.
I'm finding hard to push Zs A time when he is so tired from a rubbish nights sleep, should I just press on?